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Does OSCommerce have these features...?

Jos Medinger

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A client of mine has asked whether OSCommerce handles the following features


Independent stock control levels on each size of each product


Auto stock update on product purchase


Ability to add search engine rankable pages ie static HTML


Can anyone shed light on these?


Many Thanks


Jos Medinger


Simple yet Creative

Get Online Web Design : getonlinedesign.com



In adition to this, I've just thought of another couple...


- Can the file which contains the stock for each item also support extra fields to show an 'RRP' field and also (for admin use only) a field denothing what value the item was actually purchased at


- Does the system deal with returns adequately as far as sales transaction reports are concerned. i.e. can the system report an item as returned and this be reflected (annd reported) in any sales report generated






Simple yet Creative

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In short YES YES YES,


independent stock control levels on each size of each product

Not sure what you mean, but I think yes. Use the product attributes.


Auto stock update on product purchase

Yes OS does this for you, there are even mods where you can update all products just by looking at one page in case you want to change them (for new stock arriving etc)


Ability to add search engine rankable pages ie static HTML

There are a number of mods to make all the pages in OS SE readable. Also adding static pages is fine, just make sure you link to them properly, there is a how to in the wiki forum i believe.



Can the file which contains the stock for each item also support extra fields to show an 'RRP' field and also (for admin use only) a field denothing what value the item was actually purchased at

Yes, all the data is stored in a database and you can add what you want. An easier way round would be to use the special offers feature this will display the original price or RRP and the special price. Also in admin all the orders are displayed with a breakdown of what was paid for what


- Does the system deal with returns adequately as far as sales transaction reports are concerned. i.e. can the system report an item as returned and this be reflected (annd reported) in any sales report generated

Yep the system can deal with returns, you assign a status to each order, so just add additional status 'returned' If you delete the order the option is also there to update the stock back to what it was. There are a lot of sales report mods availabe depending on which you use and for what will depend on if it does what you want. But the orders page will show you the status as you have set it.


Need any more help just shout.


No, I'm afraid it doesn't have independent stock control on each size of each product. Stock is held at the product level.




Thanks for your reply... how do people manage their stock then if there are potentially multiple variations of one product each which will each have a stock presence?


My point being, say you have 1 product entry as a T-Shirt which has 8 sizes and 5 colours. This is 40 variations and we might be holding 200 items in stock with 5 in each colour and each size.


Is there no way of accounting for this other than having 40 individual products?






Simple yet Creative

Get Online Web Design : getonlinedesign.com


how do people manage their stock then if there are potentially multiple variations of one product each which will each have a stock presence?


With difficulty. You would need to keep separate records.


Is there no way of accounting for this other than having 40 individual products?

You can have all the variations under the one product but this shop doesn't have a very well developed back-end (albeit better than many). It is only when you come to ask how many of each combination you have sold and have remaining in stock that you run into problems.




Thanks for your candid reply... my client is very demanding and requires that each permutation of his stock has an independent level which is auto updated upon the order process.


There is so much good about OSCommerce however it is becoming more and more ikely that a bespoke cart is going to have to be written for them to cope with their requirements.


The other cart software that I was looking at is JShop - any comments on that (if you've run across it before?)






Simple yet Creative

Get Online Web Design : getonlinedesign.com



I had previously rejected Jshop because it was too simple but I see they have a new product out - Jshop server- which looks much more like oscommerce. Haven't tried it though. I prefer to spend the time on osc.

No, I'm afraid it doesn't have independent stock control on each size of each product. Stock is held at the product level.


You can use the QTPro2.1 mod and control stock on an individual size option or any other attribute you require. I have it installed and it works perfectly.




Thanks for that! Do you know what changes have to be made to MS1 or Ian's Loaded 5 to get this working? The only instructions I can find are those for 2.0 which seem to indicate that you just replace everything by the versions included. That sounds a bit risky as some of these files look a bit out of date.


You're best using examdiff (or whatever you usally file compare with) for the common files like categories.php and product_info.php, you can't swap them out especially against loaded 5.




It will work with MS1, that's what I'm running with several other mods, but because it may have code changes in common areas to Loaded 5, you don't want to overwrite everything.






Thanks for your info on this front.


I wonder if I could ask another question.

How does the mod that you talk about integrate into the overall product management?

My client is concerned that it will require 2 different stock entry areas (1 for main product, the other for attributes) which will leave them in a similar position to that which they currently run with their existing e-commerce software


Does the mod blend in with the web GUI so that the everyday user simply ticks boxes for attribute stock levels or is it more complicated - convoluted?


Many Thanks


Jos Medinger


Simple yet Creative

Get Online Web Design : getonlinedesign.com


An easier way round would be to use the special offers feature this will display the original price or RRP and the special price. Also in admin all the orders are displayed with a breakdown of what was paid for what


That's not what jos meant, I don't think. That would display the cost price of each product to the public!


Has anyone got QTpro added to loaded5? I'm trying to add this mod, but I'm finding it difficult to pick out which code changes are relevent. To add to the confusion, some of the files in the download don't appear to have been changed at all!

Any help would be very welcome. :)


Lynda let me know if you're still having problems with QT Pro and I'll see if I can help.


I wonder if I could ask another question.  

How does the mod that you talk about integrate into the overall product management?  

My client is concerned that it will require 2 different stock entry areas (1 for main product, the other for attributes) which will leave them in a similar position to that which they currently run with their existing e-commerce software  


Does the mod blend in with the web GUI so that the everyday user simply ticks boxes for attribute stock levels or is it more complicated - convoluted?  


Josh - you only have to add stock from a single area, it's very easy to use. Any attributes you have assigned to require stock control appear in a pull down menu, you select the product, enter the quantity and click "add". The only downside is a final stock check in checkout_confirmation which is missing so atrribute based products show out of stock, but I'm working on that one.




Well I've made *some* progress - I have admin allowing stock to be entered for the attributes, & the cart allowing checkout only if there is enough stock, even for products with attributes. The only problem is that its not updating the stock quantity after a purchase. :roll:


Is there suppossed to be a stock button, next to the edit button in admin? Could have sworn I saw one there when I first added it, but now its only in the product description. :?

  • 2 weeks later...
As for the stock updates, first off make sure you got the QTPro from here:






Sorry- been away 8)


Yes, I'm using that download. Any help you can give would be really appreciated - its just about the only problem between me & a live shop!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there folks - been away for awhile but just getting back to this now.


We downloaded the the QTPro patch however we're not having any joy in getting it working


Is there anyhthing else that I need to patch onto a raw installation of OSC 2.1 before this mod will function?






Simple yet Creative

Get Online Web Design : getonlinedesign.com



After a lot of blood sweat & tears, I've got QTpro to work. I've promised in another thread that I'll write up notes on the changes sometime in the next couple of weeks, if you can wait that long.



Thanks for that Lynda...


Do you know if I need any other info/files to get this patch working as we're currently getting an error message that says that the patch is trying to call a function that is not in any of the OSC files... namely


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_languages_directory()






Simple yet Creative

Get Online Web Design : getonlinedesign.com



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