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Customer Account Problem, can anyone help?


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I am having just a slight problem with the customer account create area. The page comes up but it doesn't save the data to the database. Therefore no new account is created. Thus keeping a customer from being able to make a purchase. I just installed it, and as far as I know this is the only problem I have. I have tried to setup an account for myself just to see if it would work, and it doesn't. Is there something I need to do, or change a setting someplace? The only customer I have listed is John Doe. Thanks in advance for your help. I'm trying to get the bugs worked out right now, it's not an live site yet.





It could have been the version I was using. I downloaded 2.2 MS and the problem fixed itself. I'll have a live site as soon as I get all the products into the database and what not. Thanks for looking at my post to see if you could help.





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