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The e-commerce.

VAT display contrib


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Just got VAT display contrib working.


There are somethings I would like to change though, but as I know nothing about php need someone else's help.


First I would like the order of which it is displayed to be altered.


i.e. ?1.11 (inc VAT)

?0.99 (ex VAT)


to ?0.99 (ex VAT)

?1.11 (inc VAT)


The exclude VAT just looks pointless of being there then, I think, it's supposed to elude the customer into thinking 'ooo that's cheap' for a milisecond. and then go on to moan about our government. Anyway, drifting away from the point here.


That's the main thing that I want to do, but I would also like it to have this as the view regardless as whether the customer is logged in or not.


Anyone able to help me out?






P.S. Have posted this twice, posted here because wasn't sure where I should have posted initially


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