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template system created


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  • 2 weeks later...


Can you give some guidliness on how and where to install/include your system?

I think it might work, but first I have to install it lol.



just drop it into your existing MS1 application. You will need to download the admin section separately.


all the files are made to integrate seamlessly with MS1.


will thies also work in the ms2.2 :-?

reagrds thorsten


This is the best template system. It took me a little time to figure it out how to... drop it into the script (actually it's very simple, it's just confusing as you have to downloaded it in pices and there aren't so many explanations). I think this should be made official, part of the ocCommerce.

I only have some observation / questions?

What's happend with all those popups (info_shopping_cart.php, popup_image.php)? They are missing from the inc folder and plus the actual link on the shop is not ....index.php?cmd=...., but java script:popupWindow('http://www.mysite.com/catalog/popup_image.php?pID=1'). Ok, I've copied those two files from the original script and they reside now on my main folder, but shouldn'e they be under the inc folder?


In top of each of my shop page I have the name... of the page (default if on the main page, product_info if I'm on the index.php?cmd=product_info&cPath=x_x&products_id=x and so on. I found that this is generated by this piece of code on the index.php, about line 15-18:

  if(!$HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"] || $HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"] == "default" || $HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"] == "index") {

   $HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"] = "default";


 print $HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"] . '<br>';

Is it ok to remove it or what's the point of having this?


But again, this system is the best. Thanks for it.


Well, I've got myself an answer regarding that piece of code. That shouldn't be removed cause you'll get a loooot of errors. Maybe only this part

print $HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"] . '<br>';

I'm not a programmer, so I don't have too much understanig of the code )only php basic). I'm a designer and I love this system. It rocks and makes my life so easy.

But I found a... bug. The quick search dosen't work. It just returns me to the index page. Any suggestions?


the reason the install is in so many files is because they would not all fit in one upload (limited to 300k)


i know the search is broken and haven't come up with a fix yet. that is on the to do list.



the only problem with this template system is it is separated from the development tree, and will fall behind other cart improvements.

  • 1 month later...


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