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The e-commerce.

sales taxes


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Ok - so how do most of you handle the US sales tax issue regarding the different rates for all the cities, counties, states?


Do you purchase or use separate software?


We will be needing to calculate the sales tax based on the ship to address, which could be anywhere.


We may be shipping to Canada and Internationally as well, but for International - we wont need sales tax.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Hi mhunter.


Use the Zone-rate shipping module, along with tax-classes for the different zones.

The US-zones are allready installed, but you have to define:

Tax Zones

Tax Classes

Tax Rates

for the zones you need.


In catalog/includes/modules/shipping/zones.php you'll find this line, which have to be set to the number you need.

      $this->num_zones = 1;

In Admin -> Modules -> Shipping you then have to disable and enable Zones, and then enter all the values.


Best Regards



Will this suggestion allow us to charge sales tax based on state, then county and city? In Oklahoma, we have to charge 4.5% on state purchases, and then different percentages based on county and city. Your help is appreciated.


Hi dustin.


It can do just that - too.

Create all the different tax-zones you need, and then all the delivery-zones you need.


The default (standard) data shows the example for Florida. Just copy this to Oklahoma, Kansas and whatever your need is.


In Shipping zone-rates you have to make a zone that includes Florida, and other states with the same tax (if any).



Best Regards



Hello Olby


Thanks for all your help on this. I think I've got this straight.


Now all I need to find out is what tax I'm supposed to charge in what state....My company has sales offices in several states so we have to charge. I'm sure the acctg people can lead me to the info.


Once I get that info - I just manually enter each one in the admin, and the software takes care of the rest .


This is very cool - my company is so impressed with me.




  • 2 weeks later...

Me again,


Ok I have some sample data from a sales tax clearinghouse which will be providing me with sales tax rates for all the states in the US.


But - I cant get this to work right - I'm sure it's user error


From the example text I get:


zip: 32003

State: Fl

County: Clay

City: Orange Park

State: 6%

County: 1%

City: 0%




St. Johns

Ponte Vedra Beach













Now when I enter all 3, no matter if I enter a ship to address to 32004 or 32007 - it's adds all 3 of them up. Plus, when I change the ship to to Texas it adds the Texas one plus 2 of the Florida ones.


Olby, Is the Zone-rate chipping module the one that comes with the download - or is it a separate module? All of the zones I'm using so far are in the US. My main problem separating the different counties (and maybe cities)


I only have one tax class - Taxable Goods.


I have tried making a separate tax zone for a county, but this doesnt seem to work.


If anybody can give me some direction I would greatly appreciate it





Hi mignon.


1) Zone Rates are the standard issued shipping module.


2) Create the zones you need. In the standard you have all the american zones, but you have to make 2 different zones for Florida, because you have a 6% and a 7% zone.


3) Define several tax zones e.g. US tax 7%, US tax 6% ...

Click on the Folder-symbol and enter all zones mentioned above, that fits into this particular tax-zone.


4) Define a tax-class for each X% tax you havee.g. taxable goods 6%, taxable goods 7%


Finally you can

6) Define tax-rates where you combine all the above, say that e.g.:

This "Tax Rate" has "Tax Class Title" and is to be used on this "Tax-zone" with this "Tax Rate %" and I've choosen to describe it like "Your own text".

Priority is just a number to tell osc which order you want the tax-rates shown.



Best Regards



Thanks for your response. I did try this - but i'm missing something


In "Zones" I created:


Name: FLClay7%

Code: FC

Country US


Name FLPutnam6%


Country US


In "tax Zones" I created:


US-6% - click on folder,

Zone: FLPutnam6%

Country: US


US-7% - click on folder,

Zone: FLClay7%



In "tax Class" I created:


Taxable Goods-6

Description: tax 6%


Taxable Goods-7

Description: tax 7%


My "tax rates" show:


Taxable Goods-6

Zone: US-6%

tax rate: 6%


Taxable Goods-7

Zone: US-7%

tax rate: 7%



Now when I enter an order with a ship to address in Clay County, specifically Orange Park with zip code of 32003, no tax shows up. And I can see how the software would not know how to match the city and zip to FLClay and charge 7%.


What am I missing ??...


is it friday yet


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