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The e-commerce.

Anyone else here using InternetSecure?


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I'm using two gateways for processing, PayPal which works great, and I'm trying to add Internetsecure, which does seem to work until the 'return to site' link is clicked, sending you to 'checkout_process.php' Using paypal the session stays active, the order is added as 'pending' and all is well..

with Internetsecure no matter how fast I enter the info, when I get back to checkout_process my session is gone, and the order doesn't exist at all according to OSC. Internetsecure's site is processing the (test) CC number and sending approved emails.. should it still be adding the orders to OSC if I'm using the Test flag? Hope this makes some sense to someone.. i'm not quite sure where the problem is just yet, any suggestions would be appreciated.

btw i'm using 2.2 milestone 1 on redhat.





As if anybody really cares, the InternetSecure payment module does not work properly with the Milestone 1 release, (unmodified anyway) though it is fine with the current snapshot release. I'm a bit hesitant to use 'beta' code for a real store, but it seems pretty tight.. and i'm sure it is in use on hundreds of live stores, right? :)

  • 4 months later...

I'm using it at http://www.sportsenergizer.com and for some reason the OSC doesn't record the order after it is confirmed by InternetSecure. It is in Live Mode btw. (I've been asking customers to tell me what they acutally ordered - this sucks) I wonder why the author didn't pass the products listing to InternetSecure and just the store name instead?? I tried unsuccessfully to pass the actual order items and prices to the description tag in the product string for InternetSecure. I will probably keep working on this beacause I really don't want to mess with my working OSC files, to fix it a diferent way. Does anyone know if the contibutor of this module is still working on it? I'm no programmer and can barely hack together my site. I would like to talk to anybody using the InternetSecure payment mod.


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