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The e-commerce.

Default Text On Fresh Installations

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Here is an example of how the default text on fresh installations can help out those new to the project.


I am aware that this sort of text should be in documentation, though it may help when it's "really in peoples faces".


Something similar can be done for the Information links (privacy, shipping, ..).


Here is a screenshot of the example, with the text made smaller for the purpose of the screenshot (so it fits on one screen):




The only downside is the fairly long TEXT_MAIN definition that has to be edited.


It would be good to hear the feedback on this, if it indeed should be the default text for all languages in the project.

:heart:, osCommerce


Why not have all of that in a sticky post within these Forums.



Then just have


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Thank you for installing Oscommerce blah blah.<br><br>See http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic.php?4230 for more details on how to configure the site to your needs.');


Kills 2 birds with one stone:

1) No really long define for them to change.

2) Makes them aware that there is a place to get free help - but also make them aware that there is a search function...


That could work - though it won't look pretty :D


When the Catalog and Administration Tool modules are merged, both will know where each other turning the noted Administration Tool sections into working links.


A feeling of "hey! it works" is better than going to point B, C, and back to A.

:heart:, osCommerce


That's a great idea for helping new installs. I think it would definitelly be worthwhile to make it the standard. Good thinking!

Ryan Thrash


Its a good idea.


Id suggest moving the Online Documention from the 4 spot to the 1 spot as it seems to be the most important information. The other points are all discussed in the wiki.

Perdure - Transparent Object Relational Persistence


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