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black text on blue background

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The code for producing this table is in includes/modules/product_listing.php. Round about line 40 you will see it starts to construct the header, using a class of productListing-heading, which you should be able to find in the stylesheet.css file.

Regards, Wizzud

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


I have made changes to what controls the background and the text,




but only the background took:



TD.productListing-heading {


font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;


font-size: 12px;


color: #FFFFFF;


background: #0000CC;


font-weight: bold;


font-variant: small-caps;





Because the text is a link you need to add:

TD.productListing-heading a {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; 

font-size: 12px; 

color: #FFFFFF; 

font-weight: bold; 

font-variant: small-caps; 


TD.productListing-heading a:hover {

*whatever colour/font etc you want here*


to your stylesheet


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