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The e-commerce.

Im facing an error message with OScommerce, Please Advice ??


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More than one month and im trying to solve this problem:


its here:




or again I will write it down:




I've succeded to install the 2.2 version within my own PC.

I'm using Windows 2000 professional.

I'm installing PHPDEV5.



While I'm trying to register any user account it gives me this error message:



Warning: Failed to Connect in c:phpdev5wwwcartcatalogincludesclassesemail.php on line 502


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:phpdev5wwwcartcatalogincludesclassesemail.php:502) in c:phpdev5wwwcartcatalogincludesfunctionsgeneral.php on line 29




the same error message appears when Im trying to use the contact us feature???



Note: Users registered after this error message and they can use the OSCommerce but why it appears ???



Hope to get more advice.

thank you and sorry for my bad english.


Well I'd imagine your not getting a response because no one is familiar with phpdev5.. I know I'm not :)


I just did a quick search for it on google and got this link first up




THe second news article talks about setting up the mail() function. Its the mail() function which is falling over on your oscommerce installation.

I know on my windows development box I don't have a mail server setup so oscommerce falls over on this for me.


This means that anywhere you try to use the mail() function (i.e. send email) it will give this error code. Since I don't require the email to test development on my local windows box I put a @ symbol infront of the mail() so that a error message isn't displayed


return @mail($to, $subject, $this->output, 'From: '.$from.$this->lf.implode($this->lf, $this->headers).$this->lf.implode($this->lf, $xtra_headers));


Take note!! this doesn't solve the mail problem it simple stops the page from showing the error message and allows you to use your installation without any email functionality.


If this is a real installation for a live application then I suggest you look thru the documents for phpdev5 or seek help from them directly on setting up email + windows


Good luck




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