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Credit Class/Gift Voucher/Discount Coupon v5.02


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I have installed the module and have encountered a problem, if anyone has any info plz reply.



Upon checkout, (checkout_payment.php stage) I am givin a heading for "Credits Available" with a Disount Coupon line underneath and a Redeem Code infobox underneath that. Should there be an image "button_redeem.gif" displayed on the line that says Disount Coupon. The image does not appear and when I mouse over it my cursor changes indicating you can click on the line, it also changes color identically to the other payment selection lines. When I click on it nothing happens it doesn't link to anything. When I input a redeem code and select continue, it moves to next stage with no errors but does not reflect the discount.

Any suggestions?


thanx for any help out there..




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