Alex Zuyev Posted May 28, 2003 Posted May 28, 2003 Hi. When a customer is going to checkout (clicking on checkout_shipping.php), he can see a form with payment info and at the bottom Customers comments box. But in this box there is a number!!! I mean this number does not exist anywhere in all possible files (language, main files, databese!) More over, a customer's comments does not appear in checkout_confirmation.php but that damnt number! Please! help :cry: Best wishes, Alex Z.
Guest Posted May 28, 2003 Posted May 28, 2003 I have a simular problem. When my customers put comments in that text box I can not see these comments! I am hoping that someone will figure out your problem and maybe fix mine. ;)
huwcole Posted May 30, 2003 Posted May 30, 2003 I thought I was the only one having this problem. I posted a similar request in this forum, but never got an answer. Problem: customer inputs a comment in the comments box on checkout_payment.php. the comment is still visible on checkout_confirmation.php but from then on it is gone. not in the database and not in the order email. when i check the database it reads '0' seems to be a real tricky problem as no one seems to have an answer regards huw cole
huwcole Posted May 31, 2003 Posted May 31, 2003 come on guys there must be someone who give us at least a hint what it might be or what we should check. huw cole :roll:
MN Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 We just discovered this last week and it is a serious problem. Numerous customers had made special shipping requests that we never saw, and the only record I see is in the e-mail confirmations. Nothing in the admin. We really need a fix for this asap. Can I disable the customer's ability to add comments at least?
mdfst13 Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 Is it always the same number? The thing comes to mind is that the number is the index of the record in the comments database. Since each comment is of indefinite length (right?), I'm guessing that they get stored in a separate database. To track them, it would store the index number of the record in that database in the order record. Maybe it's not calling the second query to get the comment correctly? Good luck, Matt I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. ---Douglas Adams
orchard Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 Where are you looking for the comments in the admin? I just did a test order at my test store and the comments seem to work, but they appear up next to the status not in the large comments edit box. That is for your comments back to the customer. You can see the admin section view of the test order at This test store is using 2.2MS1. In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:
MN Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 Orchard, it's not the comments we add (they're fine), it's the customers' comments to us in their orders that never show up.
orchard Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 I did a test order and it in the comments (from me as the customer) I put Test comment. On the link in my previous post, you can see the comment, but it's not in the comments edit box. It's just above where it shows Status|Pending Comments|Test comment. I just did a much longer test comment to see if that's OK too. You can see it at Feel free to do a test order and look at the results. The store is at The admin is at In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:
MN Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 Hmmm, that's interesting. I wonder why ours doesn't work? That's really frustrating. Anybody have any ideas why ours might be broken?
huwcole Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 At last some people taking this problem seriously so let's take it back to the top of the list. I have been posting this issue for weeks. Unfortunately I still haven't found a solution. so far i updated my shop to the 2.2 milestone 1 version in the hope that the problem would go away. but no. i contacted my isp and they say that they haven't changed anything on the server. so it must be a coding error. but where?? according to the various forums there are loads of people having probs with the comments field. i hope someone will find the little bugger that causes all this. huw
huwcole Posted June 19, 2003 Posted June 19, 2003 but you won't believe it i found the culprit. it is the the polls contribution that buggers it up. i don't know why. i tested it without and it works fine. but as soon as i activate the polls it won't add the comments into the database, just the 0. at least now we know where we have to look at. check it out guys and let me know whether this solves your problem. huw
huwcole Posted June 19, 2003 Posted June 19, 2003 looked at polls.php in catalog/includes/box and there we have: $comments = $result1['comments']; which is at the moment is 0 in my database as there aren't any comments. that's where the 0 comes from basically what happens is that we have to field names called comments on the same page and i reckon the polls comments are picked up last.
Alex Zuyev Posted August 26, 2003 Author Posted August 26, 2003 Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I've managed to solve the problem with Customers Comments! As it was guessed the problem was in the poll module $comments. I do not really know the relationships between those two $comments (the shop's and the poll's) but the solution I've made is: this is a part of the gode of the /includes/boxes/polls.php $content .= "<tr class="pollFooter"><td colspan="2"><center><input type="submit" value=""._VOTE.""></center>n</td></tr>"; $query=tep_db_query("select sum(optioncount) as sum from phesis_poll_data where pollid=$pollid"); $query1=tep_db_query("select count(pollid) as comments from phesis_comments where pollid=$pollid and language_id=$languages_id"); $result1 = tep_db_fetch_array($query1); $comments = $result1['comments']; if ($result=tep_db_fetch_array($query)) { $sum=$result['sum']; } $content .= "<tr class="pollFooter"><td colspan="2" class="pollBoxText"><center>[ <a href="" . tep_href_link('pollbooth.php', 'op=results&pollid=' .$pollid, 'NONSSL')."">"._RESULTS."</a> | <a href="" .tep_href_link('pollbooth.php', 'op=list')."">"._POLLS."</a> ]</td></tr>"; $content .= "<tr class="pollFooter"><td class="pollBoxText"><center>" . $sum . " ". "</center>n</td>"; $content .= "<td class="pollBoxText"><left>" . _VOTES."</left>n</td></tr>"; $content .= "<tr class="pollFooter"><td class="pollBoxText"><center>" . $comments . " " . "</center>n</td>"; $content .= "<td class="pollBoxText"><left>" . _COMMENTS."</left>n</td></tr>"; and here is what i've done: ................ $commentss = $result1['comments']; ............... $content .= "<tr class="pollFooter"><td class="pollBoxText"><center>" . $commentss . " " . "</center>n</td>"; $content .= "<td class="pollBoxText"><left>" . _COMMENTS."</left>n</td></tr>"; It means I've renamed two $comments into $commentss by addin 1 s at the end! Moreover everything (bouth poll and shop's comments) work fine! How clever of me! ))) I'm so happy! My huge thanks to huwcole for the hint! Best wishes, Alex Z.
equilla Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 Hi Guys, a big thanks for this as it's going to save me from going bonkers. I was getting a "2" in my comments field - guess what? I have 2 comments entered using the Quick Poll contribution. I only recently found I had this problem and was planning on a long frustrating weekend sorting it out. Now I have confidence that I have a solution when I get home. Long live the osC forums! :D Cheers, Mark Mark Stephens Contribs:,1680,1467,1422
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