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The e-commerce.

UK Payments


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I've completed a basic install (wuite some achievement for me!), but have just noticed that I can't take the UK specific payments, such as Switch.


A search here revealed a few unanswered questions, and a few answered ones relating to the older version os OSCommerce.


Is there a Switch payment module?


If not, should I wipe the installation and install an old version of OS, or would I be better off carrying on and waiting for a Switch module to appear?


Finally, how do you install new modules and is there an archive of them somewhere?


Installation is at:




Many thanks in advance,




if you use the paypal module you can accept UK switch and solo cards in addition ot credit cards.

You do need to have a paypal account yourself obvoiusly and payments can be accepted in Pounds Sterling - I use paypal in UK sterling on my sites and have had no problems with it at all.

Hope this helps.


Thanks, Hazel.


I've since 'found' the community/contributions section, too, which appears to have a Switch download.


Trouble is, I can't get it to work. I've even got to the stage where I've just deleted the whole installation from my server and am about to start again....this time, I'll make backups! :oops:


Anyone installed the Switch payment module?


Best wishes,




Hia there...


Ok, I'm quite new to this, and I'm looking at setting this up for my website.... but I'm doing all the research before I launch into it.....


I was looking at paypal for my payments, as I'm in the Uk... but 2Checkout seemed to be the simplest way for me to accept credit cards.... also, it had an SSL for when people submit their order....


Just looking at this reply though,


if you use the paypal module you can accept UK switch and solo cards in addition ot credit cards.

You do need to have a paypal account yourself obvoiusly and payments can be accepted in Pounds Sterling - I use paypal in UK sterling on my sites and have had no problems with it at all.

Hope this helps.


What do you mean about that you don't actually need a paypal account to accept money? I thought that if you made a payment to someone using paypal, then you both had to have paypal?



Oh and, as anyone used 2Checkout for their UK shop? Is it any good? I will be a very very small volume site, not really doing it to make money... but to basically offer a photo print service..



Oh, and is it ok to have 2 types of payment gateways installed.... i.e. Paypal (if peoplehave switch or solo), and 2Checkout if people have credit cards?



I would really apreciate clarification of these questions, as I've been trying to see if any of this is in wiki - but I can't seem to access anything on it!?





Chris Hunter


Just looking at this reply though,


if you use the paypal module you can accept UK switch and solo cards in addition ot credit cards.

You do need to have a paypal account yourself obvoiusly and payments can be accepted in Pounds Sterling - I use paypal in UK sterling on my sites and have had no problems with it at all.

Hope this helps.


What do you mean about that you don't actually need a paypal account to accept money? I thought that if you made a payment to someone using paypal, then you both had to have paypal?




The quote says that you do need a PayPal account :)


Personally, although I use PayPal for personal auctions, it is about as expensive as you can get for a business. The site I'm buildng will be for a company that already has a merchant account.


Best wishes,




:shocked: I take that back about PayPal...just looked at 2checkout.com:


$49 Setup Fee  

$0.45 per Transaction  

5.5% of Transaction Amount


Sheesh, my own business has a merchant account with a flat rate of 1.9%, and I think that's high!




Hia there...


Yer, but my visitors will just really want to click to buy a photo, and then enter their details. If the picture they buy only costs ?0.40, then to go through all the hastle of setting up a paypal acount, and with all those security things and that stupid refundable $1.95 charge that they put on your account, it could put people off ordering....


I just assumed that even though it may cost a bit more using 2checkout, it would actually be a lot easier for customers to actually make an order..



Oh, and I read that quote again - and your right.... it does say you "DO" need an account :D I'm very tired, and have a bad headache at the moment...


Oh, and I found what was wrong with the wiki thing... I think i was in the wrong place or something?





Hi Chris,


I agree with you about the PayPal thing. Whilst it's great for those that already have PayPal accounts, relying on it solely would decimate your business.


Are you based in the UK and do you have a reasonable turnover? If so, you'd be better off getting your own merchant account and processing your orders through somebody like Protx.com, I'd have thought.


Having said that, if you're in a small business and have a good margin on your products, I can certainly see the appeal of one of these online card processors.


Going back to the original question, I really could do with a way to process Switch. The site I'm doing is for a company that uses Natwest for its merchant services, and Protx doesn't cover that bank :(


best wishes,




Hia there..


well most of the people who will be buying the stuff to start with from my site, would be students... and I don't think that I'd be able to charge that much, else most of them wouldn't want to purchase the photos.. the idea is to try and encourage people to buy photos by making them cheap enuogh to tempt them to print some out...


But as I said before, at the moment I'm not really looking to be making loads of money from this... I don't even yet know if I'll be able to setup this solution with my website, as I have a site that averages about 3Gbs a month transfer - (and that was before I started hosting videos on my website as well), and I have a host that doesn't charge for bandwidth a month, or diskspace (my site is 2GB ish now, and I had a friend that peaked at 30GB's a month transfer, and they just sent him an email informing him of this)....



One other question.......with VISA cards...... is a credit card treated the same as a debit card... or if I went to 2checkout who process visa credit cards... will that let people with Visa debit cards use the facility?


Cheers for your time...




OK this thread is beginnning to confuse me now. I was only trying to offer some advice as to what I currently use regarding credit/debit cards. I run several sites, fairly high volume hits, but people don't necessarily want to part with any cash and I really don't want a merchant account as they are run on a voluntary/community basis.

On two of these sites I use a combination of

1. Paypal (it's actually surprising how many people already have a paypal account) and they have become far more useful since they started processing Switch/Solo as I am UK based, they really were not my first choice because of the "US" bias and the lack of debit card processing and...

2. GINIX, for 'normal' credit card processing. Ginix is easy to set up (all done online from a control panel with SSL connection) and there are no set up costs, but the fees are quite high (as they tend to be with all third party processors)

At the time I was considering credit/debit card processing, I looked at 2checkout, but what put me off was that every transation had to be in USD, in the UK we are fairly limited to who will process in GBP at a reasonable rate and they almost always expect some kind of registration for clients and (understandable) authentication procedures.

The only other real alternative, if you are going to be paying a fee to set up, is WORLDPAY.


Hia there..


Sorry, I was wondering about UK payments, and kinda jumped on your thread as a way of starting to find out more... I'm used to posting on forums, but this is a topic area that I know very little about.. and for UK there seems no easy solution for a very small business to offer any real money taking without spending a huge amount on setting it up...


The sacrifice seems to be that if you want to sell something, then you have to look at American companies... So far it seems that the cheapest and simplest way for each card type is:


Debit cards - nochex

switch/solo - paypal

credit cards - 2checkout




Does anyone agree/disagree with this? And how do you guys who run real businesses on these choose which to use for what card?





HI, i will answer quick as I am at work, I use World pay and can accept the following cards using my OS store!







DELTA VISA AND VISA ELECTRON! The Tesco garage near me doesnt even except that one! :)


I pay ?150 a year and 4.5 percent on credit cards and just ?0.50p per debit card transaction. Then I offer a discount for all customers paying with debit cards! :)


This is the cheapest method, I think that there is also a one off set up fee of ?50 pounds. I also took a pc terminal option which allows me to process cards online rather than having a manual machine on my desk that uses a telephone line to authorise payments. This again was a one off payment. check www.webmerchant.co.uk thats where i signed up!


Good luck!


Hi alfaowner,


Cheers for that one. They look like a good place for someone starting in business, but the trouble I have is telling a friend that has been in business for years that he'll have to pay 4.6% and not his usual <2.0%. That would be a huge amount of money over the years.


I contacted protx.com, as I am using them for another project, but they don't work with NatWest :(


It's a real shame, because I think OSCommerce is great, but no store in the UK can operate without taking debit cards.


Best wishes,




Hi all,


As I am starting a UK shop too, I am looking ways of doing this...


can someone tell me how the big shop do it online?

ie, tesco, sainsbury or others?


I the past I had shop, (high street shop) and I did accept credit card and all. customers phoned in, I took the CC and charge it and money in my back account.


Now my question is: wouldn't it all work in just the same way?

Why there is the need of going through paypal or others?




Just had a quick look at Protx.com and their 'Small Business Service' looks quite good at ?20 per month (no transaction fees, no monthly fees, no setup fee) for 1000 transactions per quarter.


I realise it doesn't get round the Nat West problem, but for a clean slate approach for the rest of us it does seem worth consideration.



staggering along with 2.2-CSV...


Does anyone no why Natwest streamline no longer allow merchants to use Protx as payment service providers? I did ask streamline and they wouldnt tell me, as for protx Im still awaiting a reply???

  • 1 month later...

I can't answer for NatWest (don't even bank with them), but they do provide their own online payment service called FastPay (http://www.fastpay.com). They may be trying to push people in this direction. If I remember right the service works similar to nochex and carries the following charges:


Setup: Free

Sending money: 20p

Recieving money: Free

Transfering money from fastpay to bank account: ?1 or 1% (or there abouts)


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