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The e-commerce.

About to go live, feedback?


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Hello all-


I've been working hard at adapting my old cart (www.erbalenergy.com) to osC over the past week. I have a number of contributions installed, thank you all for creating them! Finally, I have a USPS API, worldwide shipping capabilities, and an easy way to export all my orders into a PDF (thanks to the excellent contribution by saborchulo).


I believe I am just about ready to Go Live with it, but I would apprecitate some feedback if anyone has anything to offer.


The old cart is at http://www.erbalenergy.com/


The new cart is at http://www.erbalenergy.com/catalog/





Hey loooks like alot of work!


I should mention, only "parts" of the page are "secure"


not good to have a warning pop up when entering a store



Have fun






switchover is done nicely, Congratulations!


i would change background of infobox it looks old and rusted in new site




Looks good. You've obviously put a lot of effort into it. 8)

I should mention, only "parts" of the page are "secure"


not good to have a warning pop up when entering a store


Thanks, anyone know exactly why this is happening? This is definitely not good.


I appreciate the comments from everyone, now I'm just trying to get the backend to work. :shock:


Many times the cause of parts of the page being insecure is using absolute addresses for links and images instead of using the tep_href function and a relative address.


your stor is looking good only thing is the warning though

Many times the cause of parts of the page being insecure is using absolute addresses for links and images instead of using the tep_href function and a relative address.


Oh, Thanks Kim. This is defnintely the case. I am not terribly familiar with PHP (osC is sort of my baptism by fire) so I did use a lot of HTML just lifted from my old site with absolute images and links. Can you quickly explain how I would use the tep_href function to call either an image or link (or to use an image as a link)?





...and specifically, how do I do it for individual products? You can see I've created an infobox on the left called 'Product Line.' All of these links are absolute, and I don't understand how osC would use the function to access each of these.


Thanks again!


Here are a couple of examples of the code neccessary to use the functions and get rid of those nasty security warnings......


This one is for an image that is not a link......this one draws the image from the images directory

<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES .  'your_image.gif'); ?>



This one is a clickable image link......

<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('your_directory/product_info.php?products_id=68') . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . your_image.gif) . '</a>'; ?>



To make it a text link....

<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('your_directory/product_info.php?products_id=68') . '">' . Your Text Here . '</a>'; ?>


If you are using images in the stylesheet for backgrounds they should also use the relative address.....e.g. images/my_background.gif


I might be a little picky, but the sunflower spinning looks great except that you can see the border, which shows up as whitespace, on the bottom righthand corner.


Some would care, some wouldn't even notice -- just pointing it out.


Good Design, but I'd try to integrate the infoboxes into the theme a bit more -- 7/10


Regarding the Whitespace on the Sunflower .. a quick fix in Flash would be to display a static version of the pic behind the spinning one.. so instead of white space, the leaves appear. It will still look off when really closely looked at, however won't be as noticable. -- This will nearly double the swf file size though.


Another method would be to decrease the Mask square in flash by 20 pixels in width and height to completely hide the white space. You'll lose the tips of the sunflower petals though.


And yet another method would be to edit the image in Photoshop and Increase the canvas size about 20 pixels in both width and height.. then clone-stamp the border from the original perimeter border.

This one is for an image that is not a link......this one draws the image from the images directory

<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES .  'your_image.gif'); ?>


Wow, thanks again! One more quick question if you don't mind, how would I add attributes to this (like an ALT tag or WIDTH and HEIGHT tags)?




Take a look at the code on the default.php. Find the section that calls the image that is in the upper right-hand corner.....


            <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>

           <td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $category['categories_image'], $category['categories_name'], HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?></td>


As you can see it is loaded with a bunch of vaiables but, those can be "translated" and you can use fixed values in place of the variables. Using the above example, I have replaced the variables with my own image, ALT, and dimensions.


<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'my_image.gif', 'my ALT text', '100px', '150px'); ?>


Hi Kim,

Thanks for those posts - helpful as ever. :D


Perhaps you should add something like that to the tips & tricks forum, or wikki?




Thanks! It really does get easier the more you play with the program...it all starts to "make sense".


I've copied the pertenant parts of theis thread and I will put together a little tutorial about using the tep_href and tep_images functions. Good idea!


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