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New Store - phoneshack.net


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Just gone live and no doubt lots of things i aint fixed yet.

Please check it out and let me know what ya think.

All comments appreciated.

Thanks guys :)


You lot sure are quiet ;)

Surely someone has something to say about it :)


About the only thing I can recommend is try making your font a little bigger and see how it looks. On my screen it seems a little small.


Also on your shipping and returns page you have this:

All requests for return authorisation must be made within


Is "authorisation" spelled wrong? In the US we spell it authorization. I do know that there are alot of differences though between US english and UK english, just thought I would bring it up just in case. :D


I think your site would look good with the vertical scroll bar stylized. In your stylesheet, find:



and add this underneath it:

  scrollbar-face-color: #4597A1;

 scrollbar-shadow-color: #336666; 

 scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF; 

 scrollbar-3dlight-color: #CCFFFF; 

 scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #003333; 

 scrollbar-track-color: #99CCCC; 

 scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF;


But of course, change it to your site colors. It doesn't work on all browsers, but it does work on IE which most people use. (at least at my site)


Other than that, I really like how you site looks, get all your pictures up there and you'll be in business.

You lot sure are quiet ;)

Surely someone has something to say about it :)

I'll do yours if you do mine? :D http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php...p=175514#175514


I like what you're trying to do but I think you need more colour. Perhaps it will look better when you have more products added? I'd also suggest you add some product images to your header. At the moment there isnt much to make a potential customer want to browse.

The white writing on pale grey is difficult to read.


Keep at it & it'll look great.


Sorry I took so long to reply, been busy :)


Leezzard, Scrolly bar colours were on my todo list but thanks for your suggestions :)


freerangemum, Hopefully the text is a little easier to read now, thanks for your suggestions :)


Got a few ideas i'm working on atm so i'll post again when I get them up and u lot can let me know if they suck or not ;)


BTW, freerangemum, I just went to check out your site and it seems all your images are broken :( lemme know when its working again and I'll happily give some feedback :)

BTW, freerangemum, I just went to check out your site and it seems all your images are broken :( lemme know when its working again and I'll happily give some feedback :)


I had the smart idea of moving the shop from catalog/ to directly under the domain, but it doesn't seem to have worked :cry: I'm totally lost as to how to fix it.

I had the smart idea of moving the shop from catalog/ to directly under the domain, but it doesn't seem to have worked  I'm totally lost as to how to fix it


Edit the file 'includes/configure.php' to make sure that everything is pointing to the right path - you've perhaps still got this ...


define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', 'catalog/'); // absolute path required


when it should be something like this ...


define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/'); // absolute path required





Hi Brian, yes that's exactly what I've been doing, but I forgot to reset the permissions so the change wasn't being updated! :oops:


All fixed now. :D


Glad to see you got it up and running again :)

I've left some feedback in your thread for ya :)


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