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Use a standard image instead of image missing as default?


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Hello everybody


Is it possible to set a standard image, so that you'd don't get the "error picture" when no image has been uploaded for a product?


My site is located at: http://www.britpart.no/shop

What do you think about the design?


I know this is not at all what you asked, but I really like the color scheme of your site. The only thing I'd change is the type placement on the banner. And, because I am at work, bored out of my mind, I made a mockup. :)




I want the B of "Britpart" to line up with the middle column on your store. I think it will help lock the two sections together.


ok, I'll check it out. Osc really should have had a built in function for this.


As for the banner, maybe it would keep me site more together, but I don't want to like squeeze the logo either... The customer is happy, so I think I'll stick too it for now. But thanks for the comment!




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