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missing admin fields (non-english) when defining a product


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Hi all,


This is with Richard Fielding's Header Tags Controller Admin contrib installed; the problem is not with his contrib though it does illustrate the problem well. Even after adding


define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_PAGE_TITLE', 'text');


define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_KEYWORDS', 'text');



to the appropriate file (in my case, admin/includes/languages/espanol/categories.php) I still get the following:


categories1.png and then categories2.png


IE, the text is missing for the spanish fields (and I suspect it would be for other languages). I also suspect things were designed this way so that fields would be grouped appropriately (as in the case of Products Name). Hence when the Header Tags Controller Admin contrib is installed, the grouping scheme is no longer followed.


Does anyone know if there's a nice way to turn the text back on?





This is more of an annoyance, but for people with many languages on their site it could get nasty trying to remember which is which.


Yes, I did. In fact, the define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION', '.......') was already there in the spanish one before I put the contribution in, and the text was still missing which is why I don't think it's a problem with the contrib, but rather designed this way since without the contrib the TEXT_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION fields for the various languages would still all be "grouped" together and so could do without individual labels. You can see this effect for the "Products Name" fields which are still grouped.



Yes, I did. In fact, the define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION', '.......') was already there in the spanish one before I put the contribution in, and the text was still missing which is why I don't think it's a problem with the contrib, but rather designed this way since without the contrib the TEXT_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION fields for the various languages would still all be "grouped" together and so could do without individual labels. You can see this effect for the "Products Name" fields which are still grouped.




Using SEC v1.0a ... I have these definitions in my language file for:


/includes/languages/espanol/shoppe_enhancement_controller_languages.php if I edit the definitions for:


// Header Tags

define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_PAGE_TITLE', 'Products Page Title es:');

define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_HEADER_DESCRIPTION', 'Page Header Description es:');

define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_KEYWORDS', 'Product Keywords: es');


I am getting them to reflect in the categories.php


So, they should change for you as long as they are in a language file when you change between languages.


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