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The e-commerce.

www.interbikes.com modded up and ready for you.


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PLEASE review it, this is my living. And should be the best it can.


NOTE: if you wish to remain on the My Store forum ... please read the Sticky Topic for this forum and add the osCommerce link to your footer.


Not only do the general forum rules apply here, but any stores discussed here must have the "Powered by osCommerce" text displayed. Not only are you using osCommerce, but you will also receive valuable advice from the osCommerce community. If your site does not contain this, the posting will be deleted.

Thanks, Linda


A really nice job - the flash header is very effective.


What about also - taking out the Home Page column bar and putting it on the top bar - next to my account.


The pages are taking a bit long to load on my connection (512) - is it just me, or is it the loading of the "please wait while page loads" animation that's taking all the time!


You should remove the whiteout text on the front page - Google will pick this up as spam for sure ! - it would be better if you replaced the main graphic with the text it is showing - this would speed up loading as well no doubt!


Your 'Contact Us' link is pointing to checkout_shipping.php


Hope This Helps




that was nice of you to notice!

I have now added a nice menua t the top of the header, with the search utility there instead of in the left columb.


I removed the white space, and changed the introduction images too.


Please let me know what you think


It never loads for me, it just constantly sits on that annoying loading page!




That loding screen has been tested alot and is fine, maybe your connection was slowed down? If you would like to get rid of it there is a link that removes the layer from view.

That loding screen has been tested alot and is fine, maybe your connection was slowed down? If you would like to get rid of it there is a link that removes the layer from view.


I can no longer get the page to load either.


It did work for me the other day.


Please read the Stick for posting shops to this forum and fix your site accordingly.


Not only do the general forum rules apply here, but any stores discussed here must have the "Powered by osCommerce" text displayed. Not only are you using osCommerce, but you will also receive valuable advice from the osCommerce community. If your site does not contain this, the posting will be deleted.


Otherwise I will have to delete this thread. Thanks.


sorry about that, I am going to wait for the ms2 version to come out and totally update my site then and ask for your advice :D

Thankyou for your posts, they are appreciated.

sorry about that, I am going to wait for the ms2 version to come out and totally update my site then and ask for your advice :D

Thankyou for your posts, they are appreciated.


I am happy to delete this thread until then if that helps you ... 8)


[LOCKED by Mattice]


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