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Header Tags Controller v2.0


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Just installed:


// WebMakers.com Added: Header Tags Controller v2.0

// by Linda McGrath [email protected]

// Based on v2.2 snapshot 6-22-2002


But I don't see any results ?




<!-- BOF: Generated Meta Tags -->

<META NAME="Reply-to" CONTENT="[email protected]">

<META NAME="Description" Content="">

<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">


<!-- EOF: Generated Meta Tags -->


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong ?


Regards Allan

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You need to configure the /includes/languages/english/header_tags.php


did that !


Did you add in the Admin for it so that you can define the products META tags?


I did find an admin script: Admin by Richard Fielder for Header Tag Controller by Linda McGrath - but the instructions told me to replace code not the same as mine (2.2) so I figured it was for an older version.. Where do I find an admin ?


thanks Allan

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Could someone pleaze hook me up with a download link for the admin script :!: Thank you


Allan ... go to contributions ... search on Header Tags


Go to the Header Tags Controller ... in that same section is the Admin Richard wrote about two downloads below the Header Tags Controller itself.

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Hi Linda,


I have the admin code 2 times now with the same result.

The 3 tag fields show up fine in my admin, but I'm now unable to make any changes to existing products or add new products alltogether.. They just disappear into thin air when i press preview :shock: :shock:


Do I need to do someting else that is not listed in the instructions ? Linke make new tables or something ?


Regards Allan

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When I installed Heading Tag Controller v2 and did the following:



Add the following new fields to products_description table. NOTE: The lengths can be anything you perfer to use.

products_head_title_tag varchar 50

products_head_desc_tag longtext 300

products_head_keywords_tag longtext 300



Mysql replied that :


products_head_desc_tag longtext 300

products_head_keywords_tag longtext 300


was an illegal operation, so I made it..


products_head_desc_tag longtext

products_head_keywords_tag longtext


without the lenght ! could that be the reason for problem i'm having with admin ?


regards Allan

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Hi Linda,


I have the admin code 2 times now with the same result.  

The 3 tag fields show up fine in my admin, but I'm now unable to make any changes to existing products or add new products alltogether.. They just disappear into thin air when i press preview  :shock:  :shock:  


Do I need to do someting else that is not listed in the instructions ? Linke make new tables or something ?


Sounds like something is not installed right for the Admin part of this.


I have not made an install for this in a long time. I use the code that I have as Header Tags Controller is part of most everything I work with so my categoies.php works fine.


As to the field definitions text or longtext without the length should not be a problem. The old definitions for the fields worked on an older version of MySQL/phpMyAdmin. I have had to change them as well.


As to things not adding, that sounds more like a code issue on how things are being added/updated to the tables. Somewhere I think you might be missing a peice of code.

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