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need help with some code ..


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 $Id: conditions.php,v 1.4 2002/11/19 01:48:08 dgw_ Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions


 Copyright (c) 2002 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License


define('TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE', 'Click to see more pictures');

define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Ladies');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Ladies');

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '  


<script language="javascript"><!--

function popupWindow(url) {




<script language="javascript"><!--

document.write('<a href="javascript:popupWindow('http://invincibledesigns.com/image/index.htm')"><img src="http://invincibledesigns.com/image/1carol_big.gif" border="0" alt="Carol" Invincible Designs " width="334" height="385" hspace="5" vspace="5"><br>Click to see more pictures</p>');






As seen in the above code , that does not work . What i'm trying to do is make an page open up in a diffrent window at a specified size using the java script I pulled from the product_info.php page. If you could offer suggestions to as why the code doesn't work I would appreaite it greatly ! :) If there is regular html for this , that would be fine too :)


- Omer


invincible designs


This works.


<a href="javascript:RenderPopup('terms.html', 'help', 510, 520, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);">terms and conditions</a>




function RenderPopup(windowsource,windowname,width,height,scrollbars,directories,location,menubar

       var windowfeatures = 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height +

       ',directories=' + directories + ',location=' + location + 

       ',menubar=' + menubar + ',scrollbars=' + scrollbars + ',status=' + status +

       ',toolbar=' + toolbar + ',resizable=' + resizable;

       window.open(windowsource, windowname, windowfeatures);




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