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Contrib: Mustagreetoterms and PayPal payments


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Sinds I have installed mustagreetoterms on my shop (snapshot 1 dec 2002) something goos wrong If you have choose to pay by PayPal.


After you choose to pay with creditcard by using PayPal and I have checked the checkbox to agree terms, you be redirected to PayPal to make your payment.


So far so good,


Bud after the Payment was made by PayPal then you are redirect back to your oscommerce shop, en shows the screen that you not have agreeterms and start again to make Payment.


The order is never made or completed, bud the payment by Paypal was ok.


So I think that between the checkbox agree terms and before the redirection to Paypal, an d if the agreeterms checkbox is checked and is ok, the order must be made before the redirection to PayPal.


Because there whas no update from the contribution mustagreetoterms, I supose this bug is still there, and I'm not so familiar with PhP that I can fixed my self.


If someone have a solution for this, Thanks in advance.!!


Greetings John2b


P.s. If you want to make a test payment with your own creditcard by Paypal on my site, then there is a test product:


X USB Aansluitkabel A>B, Grijs, 1,80 Mtr price 0,01 EURO excl shipping




All test payments are returnd (refund) to you.


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