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Order Confirmation to Admin/Store Owner? Do we get one?


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Sorry if this is a wierd question - but I have setup my store and I am running through some initial testing stages.


I did a couple of mock orders and I was wondering how the admin/store owner is notified of an order? Are they?


I get the order emails - as well as the processed/delivered emails but if I was not activaley sitting in front of my admin section refreshing (or doing a daily login at the end of the day) how am I meant to know if anyone has placed an order?


Have I missed some email setting? or doesn;t OSC do this on default? Is there an contribution that does?


Thank You.


In admin/configuration/my store/send extra e-mail to





Ok thanks.


So the process is - that when a customer completes and order. They get sent their order confirmation and with this send extra email address option - the store owner/admin is sent and email - which notifies them to check the admin section to process the order?


Is that how most people prcoess orders?


Thanks, btw - the second email worked.


Whatever e-mail address you put in "send extra e-mail to:" will receive a copy of the e-mail send to customer





Yes but does the order appear in the admin/orders section?


I get the e-mail but when testing the order does not appear.


Now I have the second email setup I get the email as well as the order being entered into admin.


I'm not really sure why you wouldn't be getting that - sorry I can't offer much help - I am still only learning.


What is the file that the order email is generated from? I need to cutomise how the order is sent out.


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