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Problems when registering new user


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There are some problems when I try to register as a new user.


After inputting all the details and clicking on submit, the page just refresh by itself and shows a red error bar. The error bar has nothing and no reasons on it. This makes me very puzzled.


Can someone help me with this or is anyone also encountering the same problem??


Anyone? Been bugging me all day :(


All the best,




Change the Minimum length on Company to 0 and the magic will occure ... 8)


You are a star!! Thank you very much :D


Happy Elton


Very welcome ... glad that worked for you.


It's just a missing error msg in the code that is due to be fixed or may already have been addressed in the current snapshot ... I have not had time to load a new one in a few days to test that one.


Just to follow up a bit more...

I downloaded and installed 5-25-03 snapshot and had the same problem until I changed the required fields in the admin.

It was throwing an error for the non "required (*)" fields as well as the required.



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