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no more USE_RECURSIVE_COUNT enable??


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Sorry to duplicate my topic ( http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=44272 ) but without answer to my pr?cedent message, I try my chance in this forum :wink:


I'm working on a MS1 and classifies my products of each category by copying them by link in sub-categories. I started working on a CVS2.2 which proposed the definition of "USE_RECURSIVE_COUNT" enabling me to not count products several times. This item has been removed in version MS1!!! I rewrote it manually, but asks me why this option has been removed of the MS1?? And I ask me if it can be a problem to keep it :shock:


thank you for your answers :wink:

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thank you for your answer but I don't believe that it solves my question. "show categorie count" allows only displaying or not, number of articles present in the category. My problem is to have a display of the number of articles WITHOUT increasing artificially the number of articles due to the products duplicated in several sub-categories.


The CVS2.2 of January proposed the definition of USE_RECURSIVE_COUNT, Solving my problem. My question is to understand why this define() has been removed in the MS1. :roll:


Perhaps that it would be easier for me to explain all that in French, you would understand better ;)

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