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enable reviews


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The review can be done when a product is shown. So on le left you can see "write a review" only when a prodcut is viewed.


if a review is made, on the left will be the box with the reviewed product.


Only signed in customers may write a review, unless you use a contribution which will allow to writhe one without being a customer...


the is also a contribution which YOU will have authrise a review done.


Can anybody explain to me how to enable reviews and how to allow users to log in, please? currently all I get is a "the page can not be found" sign.

What am I doing wrong, guys?

Thanks in advance for your time!



  • 4 years later...

I really don't know what is going on with the reviews.... :)


I simply do not see them on my items, logged in or not.


How to let people say what they want about my products ?

The creator of www.futomart.com


Is it that hard to have people write reviews about your products on your website ? :huh:

The creator of www.futomart.com


No the functionality is in osc and works fine.


Just one question, why would someone that buys anything come back later and write a review? I'd use the space to try to sell something.

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