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Coupon discount - Sub total and total calculation


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Hello, I have a problem with the addon "Coupon discount" that use the GV class. I searched so many time in this forum but I don't find anything that should be useful for me. So i ask.


I have this problem: I set up a discount coupon with a discount of 5 euros, checkout_confirmation.php show me this:


discount 5

subtotal 20

tax (20%) 4

total 19


Opration is: (subtotal + tax [% Calculated in subtotal] ) - Discount = Total (Wrong ONE)


Instead this:


discount 5

subtotal 20

tax (20%) 3

total 18


Or this (is the same)


discount 5

subtotal 15

tax (20%) 3

total 18


Opration is: (subtotal - discount) + tax [% Calculated in sub - discount] = Total (Right one)


I tried all, change the order of the total order module, include or exclude in the options the tax calculation ... but nothing works. Where is the problem? Where can I find the file to correct?


Any help would be appreciated


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