Guest Posted May 21, 2003 Posted May 21, 2003 I am not clear on which version of OSC is best to be using. From the decsripts I gather that MSI is not really complete and is constantly being worked on which means I need to constantly install it to get the latest features and fixed. Right? Can anyone shed some light on this. Confused :tellme:
judgej Posted May 21, 2003 Posted May 21, 2003 I am not clear on which version of OSC is best to be using I used 2.2MS1. By the time I finished patching it up, it was closer to the CVS version (the session handling is especially good now). If the MS versions were more frequent, then the added stability they afforded would be worth the reduced functionality. The advances between the MS versions are so radical, that I think you would be missing out by sticking with them. I would recommend going for the CVS version, and keep your eye on it for bug fixes, for a few weeks at least.
Guest Posted May 21, 2003 Posted May 21, 2003 THanks for your post but I really have no I dea what you are telling me. How do I patch my MSI version I have installed. I use a host that let's me easily install and upgrade my OSC right from my CP. When I install it and upgrade they install the MSI version. I am still confused as to what version is best, why, and what I need to do inorder to keep my installed version up to date. I would appreciate more replies. Thanks If there is another post about this on this forum, please post the link here. Thanks.
judgej Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 Patching the MS1 version is not a straight-forward task. The first thing to do is install the latest CVS version on another server. See what it does. See if it solves any problems you have with the MS1 version. See what extra functionality it gives you. If you don't feel it gives you anything you don't already have, then stick with the MS1 version you currently have. If you want to upgrade, you have a number of choices. You can export your data, remove your current MS1 and install the CVS version in its place. Then you can re-import the data you saved. How you do that will depend on what the differences are between the MS1 and the CVS version (and those differences grow wider every day). Alternatively, if the CVS version gives you just a few extra features or fixes you want to make use of, then you will need to identify where those changes are located and move those changes into your MS1 version. That may involve copying whole scripts, parts of scripts or just making manual tweaks. You will need to understand how OSC works to do that - there is no getting away from that. You will also need to carefully back up everything you do - making sure you can take a step back if a change you make does not have the desired effect or breaks the site completely. It's techy. It involves quite some time to understand what you are doing. But if MS1 does not meant your needs, and then that is what you will have to do. -- JJ PS Another option: pay someone else to make the changes. If you are not a programmer, then it can be a but daunting. If you want to be a programmer, then it is a great way to learn.
Daemonj Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 Definitely go with the CVS version. The added functionality more than makes up for the questionable stability. "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein
Guest Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 Thanks for all your help but seein ghow I am not a programmer. I cannot get SSL to work, I cannot find post on SSL that help, and I have no time to learn what I need to and OSC is not for the general public (not too user friendly) I think I will just have to quit using it. A shame. I like it, but it is just costing me way too much time and therefore money. Thanks for your help.
loxly Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 Hummm... gotta wonder about threads like this..... [no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]
Guest Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 Hummm... gotta wonder about threads like this...... Not sure what you mean by this. If you see my other posts, I have SSL problems that I cannot for the life of me figure out. I cannot get my SSL to kick in automatically at chackout or account set up. I am at a loss. I spent weeks setting up my store. Still not done. Nw I have run into a brick wall. I have no prior PHP experience, so considering that, I am suprised and proud I got as far as I did. BUt this SSL problem is it. I cannot figure it out. I am an extreme newbie. I changed my configure.php files like the many posts suggest but still no progress. Now, I have you and some other member giving me a hard time to the point where I am beginning to believe that I am being conspired aginst for my 1st post. I have had some folks help me on some minor issues and some of the info helped me. I am thankful for that, but now I have you 2 people on my butt. What gives? We are all trying to make moey here and we are all trying to build and perfect our sites, and all you can do is HMMM gotta wonder about these posts? Wonder about what? If you cannot make this forum useful, why bother posting anything sir/ma'am? no bidy that is truely hee to learn and help have the time or patience for it and I do not appreciate it. Thank you. Now if you will excuse me, I will go try to find a way to fix my OSC or I will have to jump ship and pay for a different solution. Not being rude, not being disrespectful. Just speaking truthfully and boldly as the situation calls for it.
loxly Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 I have no time to learn what I need to and OSC is not for the general public (not too user friendly) I think I will just have to quit using it. A shame. I like it, but it is just costing me way too much time and therefore money. OSC is free software. You have stated you do not have time to learn. So you are wasting your time and ours here. You sound like someone here to pick a fight. You have made 15 posts. If you read the and you searched the forum and you read the current topics that cover SSL you might find an answer to your problems. If you insult our intelligence and your own by stating you do not want to learn, then go to the commercial help section and post a note for people to send you bids to install your store, set it up and maintain it. If your host is charging you for the priviledge of using OSC then you need to be addressing your issues to your host and not to this community. This is a place for people who want to learn how to use the software. This is a place for people who want to do things themselves. This is not a place to whine about how this free shopping cart with more features than almost every paid cart isn't easy enough for you to use. You will not recieve further communication from me, so don't worry about replying. I will turn off notifications so I will not know if you respond. [no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]
judgej Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 I think I will just have to quit using it. A shame. I like it, but it is just costing me way too much time and therefore money. Please understand this: it is going to cost you somewhere along the line. Either you need to spend the time learning it, pay someone else to do it or wait until it is a mature product and potentially lose customers in the meantime. Using this product means you are able to influence the way it progresses in the future by helping to contribute to it. Buying someone elses cart system means an easy life, but you get what you are given and have to live with it. "Free means free as in speech, not free as in beer." It means free software allows you to change what you like in the way it works. It does not mean it all gets handed you you on a plate, no matter how much we would like that to happen. So - believe me - whereever you look for a cart, it is going to cost you. At least here you have the chance of getting a cart configured *exactly* as you want it. -- Jason
judgej Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 Hummm... gotta wonder about threads like this..... "...OSC is not for the general public (not too user friendly) I think I will just have to quit using it..." That's a fair comment. Sounds to me like an initial misunderstanding of what the project can and can not offer. Many people are very new to OS and expect it all to look and run like off-the-shelf MS products.
Guest Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 You will not recieve further communication from me, so don't worry about replying. I will turn off notifications so I will not know if you respond. Hey! There is a god after all! :roll:
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