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Attribrute question


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Is this possible ?


Imprinting 1 or 2 sides.


1 side only (none)

(if the above is chosen, ask the question )

choose color for imprint 1: [drop down list here of all the possible colors]


2 sides

(if the above is chosen, ask the question )

choose color for imprint 1: [drop down list here of all the possible colors]

choose color for imprint 2: [drop down list here of all the possible colors]


Thank you.


Attributes that depend on other attributes? Something similar happens with the countries and zones: when you select a country you optionally get a list of counties/states you must choose from.


So far as I am aware, it is not possible at present to do that with the attributes. It would be a nice feature though: I myself have lists of incompatilble attributes that should be displayed or hidden depending upon a master attribute selected first.


-- JJ


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