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HELP: connection terminated unexpectedly!!!


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I am done intalling and configuring my OSC store. Everything went so smooth. My only problem is that whenever I try to create an account I get the following alert message: "The connection to {www.mydomain.com} has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred."


I get this alert message whenever I click on "log yourself in" or "create an account" or "My account" or "checkout".

In other words, I get this alert message whenever I wanna access one of the following files:






Any help? My OSC distribution is from snapshot of May 16, 2003.


Thank you.


Why not tell us what your site is so someone can look at it?


Sounds like it has nothing to do with OSC and everything to do with your host but without an URL that's pure speculation. :wink:




I have the same problem... I'm still working on it but I think it has nothing to do with oscommerce... The problem may be in your SSL virtual host configuration... since I have activated the SSL in oscommerce it needs a correct configured SSL virtual host... I'm running Apache 2.0 (I'm new on it) under Linux Redhart 9... but even manually I cannot get it running correctly. If I solve this I'll let you know.






Even if you're in the right track you will get run over if you just sit there.


To Quantom: Thank you very much.


To rseigel: I am still working on the content of my store. I will post the news as soon as it is ready.


I'm having the same problem, but I'm almost certain it's a server setting for your username/group.


The problem seems to happen anytime the site is entering https (secure http)


So either there's a configuration mistake all of us are making in os commerce, or something not set right under our servers to accept secure logins.


Keep in touch :shock:




Well, guess what? I've just learned that my web hoster does not offer SSL.... :? Having known that, is there anyway around my problem?


What would having your own certificate have to do with it? We do have our own certificate for the site. I'll have to ask if it's configured properly.


The problem is universal between IE, Opera, and Netscape. (latest versions I think)


Do you know of any good CHEAAAAAAP web host?


I have to say, I'm quite surprised to see web hosts offering soooooo many features but not SSL. I mean, if they are running linux+apache then you don't have to be a brainer to figure out how to integrate an SSL module in there. Even myself can do it !!!!


hey, thanks for the help, in my case ssl is configured properly but I've been informed that the secure certificate has not been ordered for this particular site yet.. and well, that's out of my hands.




If your stll looking for a good cheap host go to http://e-hosting4less.com



Do you know of any good CHEAAAAAAP web host?


I have to say, I'm quite surprised to see web hosts offering soooooo many features but not SSL. I mean, if they are running linux+apache then you don't have to be a brainer to figure out how to integrate an SSL module in there. Even myself can do it !!!!


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