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colomn width for Product display in Categories


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I did some modifying of includes/boxes by removing the left and right colomns and placing the includes/boxes/* I wanted to keep in the footer. making them in their own table and aligned to the left to display accross the page. I modified the classes/boxes widths to be set at


var $table_width = '140';


so that the boxes in the footer are equal in width


My problem is this...


When you click on a category or subcategory it displays the products with colomns of name, manufacturer, price...etc...


Im not sure if this was effected when I did the modifying or not, but the name of the product in the display listing is very small in width.


How do I increase the width of these Colomns so that my listings now cover the width of the page and the info in the colomns like the name is in one line instead of multiple lines.


It looks like it is pulling from the defalt.php but Im not sure where to change the width of the colomns.


Also now the Product listing is only showing accross about 50% of the page width. How can I either get it 2 display 2 coloms of products across the width of the page or get the one product listing colomn to stretch across the entire width of the page.


so you can see what im talking about here is what is displaying right now... http://www.zipporahsthimble.com/default.ph...php?cPath=21_47


the product name colomn width is too small.


thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.


Never mind.. I decided to use the contribution ::







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