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Help!! need help with header image code....

Kinky Clothes

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hmmmm i cant work this out, i have managed so far by trial and error but i cant seem to get this working.... i am using html code to map the text on image to the appropriate link....


http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/ <--- look at header, that is the image.


i had to put the old header.php back, thats why its showing. when i use my custom header.php the image wont show. heres the code:


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr class="header">

<td <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Sizes"><SRC="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/images/header.jpg" BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#map0" ><MAP NAME="map0"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="768,22,887,47" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/account.php"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="770,50,911,72" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/shopping_cart.php"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="791,77,892,99" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/checkout_payment.php"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="806,103,866,126" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/links"></a></MAP></td>




Please dont flame me, my knowlege of PHP and HTML is next to zero.

i hope someone can take a look at the code and work out why it isnt showing :oops:





I'm no pro... but just looking for basic mistakes in html, in case you cut and pasted...

you're missing a '>' just after the first cell in the table.

Try that first :wink:


hmm still not work, the weird thing is it doesnt show any errors... :oops:

maybe when i wake up 2morow there will be lots of work arounds here :)

thx for the help :)




I see all images and image map is working. What your problem exactly?

There is always more than one way to do it.

And always Keep It Simple, Stupid.


its working at moment because i put the standard header.php, if i put up the header.php with the above code nothing shows. i hope you can help :)





hmmm still doesnt show. here is the code:


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr class="header">

<td> <SRC="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/images/header.jpg" BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#map0" ><MAP NAME="map0"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="768,22,887,47" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/account.php"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="770,50,911,72" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/shopping_cart.php"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="791,77,892,99" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/checkout_payment.php"><AREA SHAPE=RECT ALT="" COORDS="806,103,866,126" HREF="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/links"></a></MAP></td>



<SRC="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/images/header.jpg" BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#map0" >


must be


<IMG SRC="http://www.kinky-clothes.com/catalog/images/header.jpg" BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#map0" >

There is always more than one way to do it.

And always Keep It Simple, Stupid.


You are welcome :)

There is always more than one way to do it.

And always Keep It Simple, Stupid.


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