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Credit Class GV v5.02


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I just put in Credit Class GV v 5.02 and when I send a coupon to someone's email the coupon code doesn't show up:



  • You can redeem this coupon during checkout. Just enter the code in the box provided, and click on the redeem button.


The coupon code is


Don't lose the coupon code, make sure to keep the code safe so you can benefit from this special offer.


when you visit ]http://localhost/catalog/



Also when I manually send a gift voucher to someone the email looks like this:


The Gift Voucher is worth $1.00


To redeem this Gift Voucher, please click on the link below. Please also write down the redemption codewhich is0dc0f5 in case you have any problems.




or visit http://localhost/catalog/ and enter the code during the checkout process


I cannont get the codewhich and the is(code) to sperate themselves.


Thats all I've seen so far if someone could help me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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