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The e-commerce.

new to osCommerce


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I just bought a site that is running osCommerce. not sure what version. how can i check what version i am running?


Also i want to change a few thinks in the layout. NOw im not a great programmer so i was wondering if there is like a backend that lets me add links or change color or layout instead of having to do it manually?


I would appreciatte and information that people can give me.



Thank You



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I just bought a site that is running osCommerce. not sure what version. how can i check what version i am running?


Look in includes/application_top.php

line 3 - similar to below shows a date.

$Id: application_top.php,v 1.256 2002/11/23 02:29:39 thomasamoulton Exp $


line 35 -

// Define the project version

define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-CVS');



line 3

$Id: application_top.php,v 1.264 2003/02/17 16:37:52 hpdl Exp $


line 35

// define the project version

define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS1');


is like a backend that lets me add links or change color or layout instead of having to do it manually?


There is a password protected administration section:

http://www.reallycheapcigarettes.com/admin :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Thankx for all your help smiley.


i found out that i am running


line 3

$Id: application_top.php,v 1.264 2003/02/17 16:37:52 hpdl Exp $


line 35

// define the project version

define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS1');


and i already know about the back end. what i wanted to know was since oscommerce is a template. is there like a wizard that you run through to choose what style or maybe theme you are trying to get at like for example maybe a golf theme that would generate a look of green and all the buttons would have golfclubs on them...blahblahblah. anyways i want to change the button images wanted to know if there is a really easy way to do it like trough a wizard or do i have to create buttons and repalce my existing ones. i hope i explained it better this time.


Anyways thanks again smiley

:wink: :wink:


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is there like a wizard that you run through to choose what style or maybe theme you are trying to get at

The short answer is no.

However http://www.dcpcwebdevelopment.co.uk/ have a template system with instructions here:

http://www.dcpcwebdevelopment.co.uk/instructions/ :)


likei want to change the button images wanted to know if there is a really easy way to do it like trough a wizard or do i have to create buttons and repalce my existing ones.

Included in the MS1 release is an extras directory.

In that is button_template/button_template.psd. I don't use the template but I do use Photoshop © to make my buttons. :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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