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MS2 CVS - Error Displaying Pages


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Can anyone tell me how this error can be solved,


I installed 2.2 CVS date 15/05/2003. When going to the default.php everything is ok. When I start browsing the shop I get error saying that the the page could not be displayed. After a refresh of 5 or 6 or 7 the page is finally displayed.


Have a look: www.debom.net/shop


Try to register as a new customer.


I already edited the location of the stylesheet pointing it to http://www.debom.net/shop/stylesheet.css but woth no effected.


Can anyone help me


I got worse than that... when I hit the back button in IE to return to the default page I got an "unrecognised" response from your server... I can no longer open your default page...


I think its a server issue.... the default page opened ok again... then I went to its parentdirectory... when I hit my back button I have the header, but the server has hung.......


...and now I am browsing your catalog just fine!.... :shock:


Had a few pages not display... got them on refresh.... just created an account.... recieved an email from....Harald Ponce de Leon!! :shock:


Definitely a crap server.... find another


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