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The e-commerce.

Store in progress .. could use more feedback ...


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Hi All ... I'm still relatively new to this and wouldn't mind some feedback on the store. If you have some any suggestions, could you also give me any clues as to how I might implement it? The store isn't live yet .. I did remove the message about it being a demo. also please let me know is the web loads up in a decent speed.






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The pageload from sweden is ok.

My first thought when i entered the store.. it?s green =)

My second thought.. people that are colorblind.. can they read green on green?



My first thought when i entered the store.. it?s green =)

My second thought.. people that are colorblind.. can they read green on green?


I almost busted a gut! I never thought about it being "green". However, I do see your point. I was trying to stay within the colour theme of my logo. And as for colour blindness, again, I would never have thought of that. I'll need to adjust the green on green theme. If anyone who is colour blind that's reading this, I could use your help for input. It would be appreciated.


Thanks for the input, if you have any other ideas ... let me know ...




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Thanks Karmagun! As you may have noticed, I've implemented a couple of your suggestions already. I do like the centre theme idea. I just didn't know how to or how it would affect the look of my site. I'll make the adjustments (right after I do a full site backup of course).







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An update for the colour blindness concern. I don't know anyone who is colour blind and therefore, unfortunately, I am unable to test the site accordingly.


However, I came across this site that will simulate what the site may look like to someone who is. And from what it shows, the colour arrangement is fine. I'll pass this along in case you want to test it out. There are 3 different colour blindness tests.


1. Deuteranope

2. Protanope

3. Tritanope




Hope this helps someone ...







P.S. If you are colour blind, I'd like your opinion of the site instead of a simulation.


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