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Error : 1046 - No Database Selected on fresh instal of ms2.2


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1046 - No Database Selected


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




Thats the error I got when I tried going to the admin panel after installing ms2.2 fresh. What should I do?


open admin/includes/configure.php in a text editor and check the database settings....


All solved now um I get this error / message when I try uploading a csv file (The file that comes with the bloody excel import 1.51)


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpSfsW0Z

User filename: Form.csv

Size: 344

| unavailabl | | | | | | | | | | | |


No products_model field in record or incorrect root for category. I cannot import this record!


Thats all!


It's so screwed, and then no changes are made to product dbase. How the hell do I do it!!!!


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