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How do I add a line to the order update email?


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I'm trying to add a line like this to an order update email


If order update = '3' (Despatched)

TEXT_ORDER_TRACKING (so I can use language files) = htpp://blahblahblah(then append the order number to the end)


So in effect, I would like another line item that would look like:

Order Tracking: http://www.here.com/track?=(ordernumber)


Thanks for any help.




Hi Allen


Edit orders.php in the admin section


Add this after line 31


      $tracking_no = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['tracking_no']);


And at around line 45 make it look like this


          if ($status == '3') {

           $email = STORE_NAME . "n" . EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $oID . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $oID, 'SSL') . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . tep_date_long($check_status['date_purchased']) . "nn" . $notify_comments . sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE, $orders_status_array[$status] . "nn" . TEXT_ORDER_TRACKING . $tracking_no);

         } else {

           $email = STORE_NAME . "n" . EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $oID . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $oID, 'SSL') . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . tep_date_long($check_status['date_purchased']) . "nn" . $notify_comments . sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE, $orders_status_array[$status]);



Then you will need to add a box to enter the tracking number into.


Add this at line 299



       <td><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('tracking_no'); ?></td>


Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)


Thanks very much for the reply.


Can you explain how this works - i.e. where it picks up the OrderID to append to the fixed url?


I guess I use this in the language files (TEXT_ORDER_TRACKING) to say something like: To track your order click here:


But then where do I set the URL?


Thanks for your time.

Can you explain how this works - i.e. where it picks up the OrderID to append to the fixed url?


Ah I thought you wanted to add a specific tracking number to append to the url. If you just want to add the order id to a fixed url change


          if ($status == '3') { 

           $email = STORE_NAME . "n" . EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $oID . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $oID, 'SSL') . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . tep_date_long($check_status['date_purchased']) . "nn" . $notify_comments . sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE, $orders_status_array[$status] . "nn" . TEXT_ORDER_TRACKING .  $oID); 

         } else { 

           $email = STORE_NAME . "n" . EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $oID . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $oID, 'SSL') . "n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . tep_date_long($check_status['date_purchased']) . "nn" . $notify_comments . sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE, $orders_status_array[$status]); 



And ignore the adding for the field on line 299.


I guess I use this in the language files (TEXT_ORDER_TRACKING) to say something like: To track your order click here:


But then where do I set the URL?


Why not add in the language file


define('TEXT_ORDER_TRACKING', 'To track your order click here: http://mytrackingurl.com');

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)


Thats sounds fantastic! I assume the oID gets appended to the url without a space - so it still works etc...


Thanks for your help, I'm going to give it a go now.




Thanks this works perfectly.


One more thing..... :D


I would like a tickbox on the order update page that says 'Append Tracking URL' or something similar, that is ticked by default.


So the logic would be append the tracking url if the box is ticked AND the email status = 3.


Would this be possible?


Thanks very much for any help.


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