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The e-commerce.

Thema...? Dezina_Dove... do wha...!?


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Okay I was browsing around found a nice theme pack at http://www.dcpcwebdevelopment.co.uk/themetest/ and downlaoded it.


Okay... so I see a bunch of files... no installer, dosen't look like copy n pasting everything into an OScommerce folder will workout.


Browsed around the boards... nothing about how to install a thema really, jsut where to find them.


I check contribs for some instructions... nothing much their cept editing contribs, looked at downlaod some other thema's to maybe see an installer... not much their cept using their OWN thema's which is completely differnt looking from how Dezina Dove is layed out as a thema.


Example "Thema Options"

Okay theirs 1->5... thats nice, but whats with imagesinfoboxthema1*.gif


and then includesclassesthema1stylesheet.css


now that has me lost... Dezina Dove has it all nice n neat layed out as if it can jsut be stuck in somewhere, selected n run....

Looks like if I wanted Dezina Dove to work through Thema Options I'd have to take it apart into pieces making a folder 6 into various locations just to "hopefully" run it :roll:


Then theirs "loaded4-5 theme" that did near the same thing.

Anywhere with a "Step by step" on how to install a thema, soorta like phpnuke where you could edit some files saying where a folder is with the theme" and it'll load it as default ?


Thanks lee, dam I didn't really see that anywhere on their site, well that helped alot thxs~


From what I gather by going to this site is that the instructions are no good. The sql syntax is wrong, and the instructions don't work for the better templates such as dezina_dove, trek etc., the instructions are just for the basic looking templates 1,2,3 & 4. It's a pity too because I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy using these. Maybe something will change. I've emailed the site to try and get some help.


Keith and all.

The instructions have been updated to put right the error with the database insert :) Thanks go to Lee from MaxiDVD Australia :wink:


These instructions are for the first attempt I did to create a more involved theme based OSC.

They are for the 4 themes on the right of the instructions site.

Also it wasnt meant as a direct replacement for your site, it was to show what can be done.

They are quite easy to change just look at each of the images in the folder INFOBOX and the buttons folder and change them.


I then progressed to the loaded4 version.

Now this changed quite a lot of the core code of OSCommerce, to much to included instructions," Too many people had problems with the easier one" :roll:

So I uploaded to my webspace and made available a complete download.

As for the installer moogles is right I didnt include it and yes I should have.


Now I'm currently working on IMHO a much improved version www.dcpcwebdesignonline.co.uk/ecommercetemplates/, this will be made available to one and all. But this time only when I know its 100% OK and the admin side to update everything is done.


I hope this clarifies the current situation.


Hi there,



Nice work Paul, I really like how you did the theme layouts.


I have changed them a bit to fit into my template system, and will be uploading the complete system with an admin tool to my site http://www.hosting-osc.com.


As well, I am adding in a few other layouts as well, so the store owner should have about 25 different layout/themes available to use....


this should be ready by tonight or tomorrow morning....




Peter McGrath


See my Profile (click here) for more information and to contact me for professional osCommerce support that includes SEO development, custom development and security implementation




I look forward to downloading your system, I very interested to see how you have achieved it.


Good Luck





PS This is not a battle of the thema's.

If people want to use it they can F.O.C


Hi Paul,


The system is available right now for free via the http://www.hosting-osc.com site.


if you want to have a look at the themes you made up and how they fit into my system I can email one to you...just let me know via PM


or like I stated, they will be available pre-installed tonight or tomorrow....



have any questions, I will watch this thread on the this....



Peter McGrath


See my Profile (click here) for more information and to contact me for professional osCommerce support that includes SEO development, custom development and security implementation


Does this mean we can't have a site like devina_dove without doing extensive modifications?

Does this mean we can't have a site like devina_dove without doing extensive modifications?


Thats a bit like saying can I want my store to look like these:

http://www.l4leather.com or

http://www.madmacgames.com/ without modification, impossible.


My advice to you Keith is to goto wiki.oscommerce.com and see what you can learn.


Then download one of the themes, Note what files have changed and how they have changed.


As an example:

The file thema_boxes.php if you are not using the theme contribution you will know(or should) as boxes.php found in the classes folder.


Look under the

function tableBox($contents, $direct_output = false)

you will see this portion of code:

} else { 

? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ?<td align="left" width="'.SIDE_BOX_LEFT_WIDTH.'" background="includes/classes/thema/' . SITE_THEMA .'/infobox/box_bg_l.gif"><img src="includes/classes/thema/' . SITE_THEMA .'/infobox/box_bg_l.gif" width="'.SIDE_BOX_LEFT_WIDTH.'" height="1"></td> ?<td'; 

? ? ? ? ?if ($contents[$i]['align'] != '') $tableBox_string .= ' align="' . $contents[$i]['align'] . '"'; 

? ? ? ? ?if ($contents[$i]['params']) { 

? ? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i]['params']; 

? ? ? ? ?} elseif ($this->table_data_parameters != '') { 

? ? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_data_parameters; 

? ? ? ? ?} 

? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= '>' . $contents[$i]['text'] . '</td> <td width="'.SIDE_BOX_RIGHT_WIDTH.'" background="includes/classes/thema/' . SITE_THEMA .'/infobox/box_bg_r.gif"><img src="includes/classes/thema/' . SITE_THEMA .'/infobox/box_bg_r.gif" width="'.SIDE_BOX_RIGHT_WIDTH.'" height="1"></td>' . "n"; 

? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ?</tr>' . "n";

? ? ? ?if ($contents[$i]['form']) $tableBox_string .= '</form>' . "n";

? ? ?}

? ? ?$tableBox_string .= '</table>' . "n";

? ? ?if ($direct_output) echo $tableBox_string;

? ? ?return $tableBox_string;

? ?}



The original piece of code found in the boxes.php file looks like this:


} else {

? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ? ?<td';

? ? ? ? ?if ($contents[$i]['align'] != '') $tableBox_string .= ' align="' . $contents[$i]['align'] . '"';

? ? ? ? ?if ($contents[$i]['params']) {

? ? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i]['params'];

? ? ? ? ?} elseif ($this->table_data_parameters != '') {

? ? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_data_parameters;

? ? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= '>' . $contents[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "n";

? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ?$tableBox_string .= ' ?</tr>' . "n";

? ? ? ?if ($contents[$i]['form']) $tableBox_string .= '</form>' . "n";

? ? ?}

? ? ?$tableBox_string .= '</table>' . "n";

? ? ?if ($direct_output) echo $tableBox_string;

? ? ?return $tableBox_string;

? ?}



What the code from the theme does is add an image to the left side and right side of the boxes when called like this:


new infoBox($info_box_contents);


Not all pages have a box around them another example would be account.php found in the main catalog folder, this is done via HTML.

So you could add the following to acheive the same effect.


For the header and left side:


 ? ?<!--**************************-->

? ? ? ?<tr>

? ? ? ? ?<td>


$info_box_contents = array();

?$info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left', 'text' => HEADING_TITLE );

?new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, true);


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="infoBox">

? ? ? ? ? ?<tr>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?<td align="left" width="12" background="images/infobox/box_bg_l.gif">

? ? ? ? ? ? ?<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/box_bg_l.gif', 'box_bg_l.gif.'); ?>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?</td>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?<td>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="infoBoxContents">

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<tr>

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<td class="main">

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="right" width="100%">


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<tr>

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<td>


For the right side and footer.


 ? ? ? ? </td>

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</tr>

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<!--**************************-->

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</table>

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</td>

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</tr>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?</table>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?</td>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?<td align="right" width="12" background="images/infobox/box_bg_r.gif">

? ? ? ? ? ? ?<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/box_bg_r.gif', 'box_bg_r.gif.'); ?>

? ? ? ? ? ? ?</td>

? ? ? ? ? ?</tr>

? ? ? ? ?</table>


$info_box_contents = array();

?$info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?'text' ?=> ' '

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?);

?new infoBoxDefault($info_box_contents, true, true);


? ? ? ? ?<!--**************************--></td>

? ? ? ?</tr>


I hope this gives you an insight into how and what needs to be done to change your site.

Thats a bit like saying can I want my store to look like these:

http://www.l4leather.com or

http://www.madmacgames.com/ without modification, impossible.


Maybe I should have asked the question differently. I know to change your site extensively you will need to modify the code extensively.


What I am reffering to, is after stumbling upon this thread, I went to this site


and saw these great mods available for download.


In the same thread I see this link for the instructions



So I downloaded a 2.2 snapshot, modified all the files per the instructions (had a tough time due to the "122" missing from original instructions) and then find that these instructions are not for the better mods such as dezina_dove or trek. What I was looking for are instructions to modify my site using the dezina_dove mod.


Thats a bit like saying can I want my store to look like these:

http://www.l4leather.com or

http://www.madmacgames.com/ without modification, impossible.


Maybe I should have asked the question differently. I know to change your site extensively you will need to modify the code extensively.


What I am reffering to, is after stumbling upon this thread, I went to this site


and saw these great mods available for download.


It has been pointed out, this is an older version of osc. It is being updated. It does not work on new snapshots.


Apparently two people are working towards the same goal, but not together, which is too bad. We will have to wait and see how it all goes and what will be available when.


Themes for osc are not easy to create, implement or manage yet. You can't take a nuke theme and dump it into osc without some work. If these guys don't get to it, I hope to develop an instruction contrib for it, but don't have time right now.

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]


Got a theme error trying out the instruction fix n all using Black_orange theme


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_image_button() (previously declared in /home/airems/public_html/tee-xpress/includes/functions/html_output.php:133) in /home/airems/public_html/tee-xpress/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 141


Code from line 131 to 145



// Output a function button in the selected language

 function tep_image_button($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') {

   global $language;

   return tep_image(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/images/buttons/' . $image, $alt, '', '', $parameters);



// Output a function button in the selected language

function tep_image_button($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') {

global $language;

global $newtheme;

return tep_image(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'theme/' . $newtheme . '/buttons/' . $image, $alt, '', '', $parameters);





You need to REPLACE this



// The HTML form submit button wrapper function

// Outputs a button in the selected language

function tep_image_submit($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') {

global $language;

$image_submit = '<input type='image' src='' . tep_parse_input_field_data(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . 

'/images/buttons/' . $image, array(''' => '"')) . '' border='0' alt='' . tep_parse_input_field_data($alt, array(''' => 

'"')) . ''';

if (tep_not_null($alt)) $image_submit .= ' title=' ' . tep_parse_input_field_data($alt, array(''' => '"')) . ' '';

if (tep_not_null($parameters)) $image_submit .= ' ' . $parameters;

$image_submit .= '>';

return $image_submit;



with this:



// The HTML form submit button wrapper function

// Outputs a button in the selected language

function tep_image_submit($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') {

global $language;

global $newtheme;

$image_submit = '<input type="image" src="' . tep_parse_input_field_data(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'theme/'. $newtheme . 

'/buttons/' . $image, array('"' => '"')) . '" border="0" alt="' . tep_parse_input_field_data($alt, array('"' => 

'"')) . '"';

if (tep_not_null($alt)) $image_submit .= ' title=" ' . tep_parse_input_field_data($alt, array('"' => '"')) . ' "';

if (tep_not_null($parameters)) $image_submit .= ' ' . $parameters;

$image_submit .= '>';

return $image_submit;




If I'm looking at your error correctly you have not replaced the code and it is calling the function tep_image_submit twice hence the error.


hmmm is the above "only" to get something like the Denzina Dove theme working? (Haven't tried), I was going to try the orange_black theme instead and used the above modifications (which is different from the instructions on the site) which either case dosne't work, and give the same error on the same lines.


Hi there,



I have successfully added in the following additional themes from Pauls Site (very nice work Paul)...

  • Nuke Teck

Dezina Dove

V-Blue Baby



  • phpBB

standard osc

strong border

A few minor bug fixes have been performed as well

there are about 22 different layout/theme varations currently installed with the system now.


as well I have added in some additional features


dynamic web page creation for articles and for site information (about us, contact us...etc)


this addition is totally dynamic in nature having a html editor in place.....



As before this system is a free download.....


get it via




Peter McGrath


See my Profile (click here) for more information and to contact me for professional osCommerce support that includes SEO development, custom development and security implementation



And the reason for you posting this here is :?:


Please do not keep on promoting your template system every oppertunity you get, It is very unproffesional.


If you can help moogles with his problem then fine do so.

If not stay out :wink:




Can you send me via email youe application_top.php file I will sort it out and send it back to you.

And the reason for you posting this here is


Because I said I would add the thema into the template system as I stated eariler in this thread......


Please do not keep on promoting your template system every oppertunity you get, It is very unproffesional.


If I was doing this I am sure I would be a believer too, .....I am only offering an alternative for people to use without the errors I had to dig out too...


If you can help moogles with his problem then fine do so.  

If not stay out  


did not know this is a private thread....



Can you send me via email youe application_top.php file I will sort it out and send it back to you.


sort what out??


And do not worry paul, I will not post in this thread to keep you happy too....

Peter McGrath


See my Profile (click here) for more information and to contact me for professional osCommerce support that includes SEO development, custom development and security implementation


Guess all the changes seems to work on others? like the above person mentioned but black_orange may be at fault? Sure is giving me alot of troubles 1 after another even after clearing it out reinstalling OSC and redoing the changes manually...

Guess all the changes seems to work on others? like the above person mentioned but black_orange may be at fault? Sure is giving me alot of troubles 1 after another even after clearing it out reinstalling OSC and redoing the changes manually...


Have you used any of the other themes and do they work?

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]


I'm going to clearout the mess now and try denzina dove theme tommorow. I'm soorta like at work and gotta get goin soon heh so won't be able to try it out till tommorow :/

Hi there,



I have successfully added in the following additional themes from Pauls Site (very nice work Paul)...


Nuke Teck

Dezina Dove

V-Blue Baby






standard osc

strong border


A few minor bug fixes have been performed as well

there are about 22 different layout/theme varations currently installed with the system now.


as well I have added in some additional features


dynamic web page creation for articles and for site information (about us, contact us...etc)


this addition is totally dynamic in nature having a html editor in place.....



As before this system is a free download.....


get it via http://www.hosting-osc.com






Peter McGrath


Peter- I downloaded the theme pack from your site but I don't see dezina_dove, phpBB or the other stuff anywhere. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?


those themes are part of Paul's contribution

those themes are part of Paul's contribution


They are, but Peter also converted them for his theme pack, which I haven't had a chance to download and open yet, so I would expect those themes are included since it sounds like they are. These are also phpNuke, postNuke, phpBB themes. Confused yet? 8)


There is a Peter and a Paul working on similar things. Paul's are in the contrib section here at osc, Peter's are offsite because you have to get the whole store and can't add it easily to an existing store.


And all the while, Team OSC is developing their own template/theme system for osc. Paul's theme/template system will most likely follow along that path. My opinion is that a true theme/template system needs to be portable between snapshots and milestones and versions to be truly useful.


But that's my own opinion.


And the bottom line is that this thread has nothing to do with Peter's themes, but with Paul's... or am I in the wrong thread.... again :?:



[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]


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