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Can I change name to Download folder????


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Hi did a forum search could not locate specific information on the posibility to change name to download directory. The problom I am having is a security issue I change permissions on folder so if someone rights down http://www.jhfhjfjh.com/download the folder does not show contents but if they right down http://www.jhfhjfjh.com/download/test.exe it will download the file I figured the best way to fix this would be just to change the name of the download folder to something totally confusing (likekjhfdahjg#jhd&mnd) this way it would be really hard to figure out the download folder. The script for download with redirection works great so the person realy does not see where the download is coming from but with folder name download is to obvious. Please any I deas?? :)




Listing and download should already be prevented with the .htaccess in the /download/ folder...




Thanks Warren I think this is the problem I am encountering I am a newbee when it come to .htaccess I set the permision in my hosting controll panel I have read alot in the forums talking about resolving problems with .htacess but dont give specifics. Is this something I can do from my hosting control panel (Cpanel) or do I have to go to a specific file and do the adjutment inside oscommerce sorry for been such a newbee please can you point me the right way.


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