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The e-commerce.

all the links point to local files like http:///catalog

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Sounds like you have errors in your /includes/configure.php file.


If you post it, without your login and password, we could perhaps help you configure it correctly.


i don't have a config.php, they did away with that in the new version i think.

i think the problem is with my database.php.


here is a line from it:


function tep_db_connect($server = localhost, $username = mysql, $password = password_not_given_here, $database = osCommerce, $link = 'db_link') {

global $$link;


I hoope this gives a better idea as to my problem. Thank you.


I am not sure what snapshot you are running, but all v2.2 snapshots have a /includes/configure.php file.


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