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module for Clearance Products page similar to new products p


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Can anyone set me in the right direction to produce a Clearance products

page similar to the new products page. I dont want the clearance products to appear anywhere else ie: new products or specials pages or on any categories!


I was considering using the new products page and naming all the clearance products with a product _model of clearance so i could query the DB to list the clearance items only.


What other pages would i need to copy if i use products_new.php :?:


I'm not sure I can be much help because I pretty much hacked my way through but I just made a clearance page for my site... I have a database field for a specials code and I just call all the items whose code equals "clearance". These items are displayed along with regular products as well though.


I stripped down specials.php, renamed it and then called a clearance module for the content. I found it easier to start with the upcoming_products.php module and modify that based on my needs. I was really pleased with the results and revised specials.php in a similar manner because I wanted the 1 step ease of populating the specials from my Access database using Easy Populate.



Thanks Millie,


I need to rethink this one, my main problem is that i need to have the clearance products Only available for viewing/ordering on my clearance page and not appearing anywhere else!




Hi Paul,

Could you set the product staus on the clearance items to a unique number? I'm not sure how the status field is used throughout the program as a whole so proceed with caution. I think staus="1" is used to select items for the other products displayed so perhaps staus="3" for clearance items would work. Back up before you try it!




Hi Millie,

I think the status field is used to show if the product is active or not,

I may go back to my original plan of naming the product _model field as clearance for each clearance product. My only problem then would be how

to avoid the clearance products being called in the new products page?




I think your idea of using the products staus field would work, and sounds like a good idea overall, i think it would be easier in te long run...


sample sql code off the top of my head for selecting the clearance products to populate an array at least



select * from products where products_staus = 3





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