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The e-commerce.

Auto ordering / Repeat Ordering


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Hi all... A nice feture I thought would be to allow certain productions to be automatically re-ordered by the customer at a time interval of their choosing. For example, a person could order a bottle of vitamins and opt to have osCommerce automatically re-order the same item & quantity every month and bill to their account.


It's something QVC and HSN have been doing for a while and was recently featured in a New York Times article (see: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/12/technolo...ogy/12ECOM.html reg. required)...


Whadaya think?

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Hi all... A nice feture I thought would be to allow certain productions


Sorry - that should be "feature" & "product" :oops:

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This feature is often used in Business to Businees (B2B) commerce. It is also sometimes referred to as 'standing orders'. For example a business may have a standing order with an office supply store for 4 cases of printer paper to be delivered each month on the 10th of the month.


It is most effective when combined with 'stored shopping carts' where a buyer can issue different standing orders for different stored shopping carts. For example the "Mailroom office supplies" cart might be repeated every two weeks and contain items like envelopes, staples, paper clips, etc. where the "Staff Breakroom" cart might repeat each month with items like coffee, cups, plasticware, napkins, etc.


Of course it would be great. Guess you need to determine whether or not there are contributions that already do this. If not, how well can you code? :)


I'm fair, and the osC code is almost readable by me(! - That's a slam on *my* abilities, BTW, not the fine coding work of the authors...)


I however, have trouble following logic that isn't my own and the "stored carts" (which is a great idea :idea: , BTW) and other functions seem like they'd be best integrated into the core rather than a mod... I'll take a look though, while its not something I need myself, I'm always willing to contribute & up for a challenge!


BTW, while its a good B2B solution, there are of course plenty of B2C applications, I think, such as the vitamin example, a *whatever* of the month club, foodstuffs (steaks, etc..) ordered on a regular basis...



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  • 1 year later...

OH! just found this topic, i just posted a question if such a standing order module would be possible/easy to do.... i also agree that this would be a GREAT feauture to include... sadly... i am not the best at PHP, and am not sure it is in my realm of ability, but i would be more than willing to help where i could and even have my site (when it is up of course) serve as a guniea pig for it



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