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Rescale logo to browser window width


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I'm trying to get our logo to scale automatically to the browser width. In header.php, I've tried


<td width="100%"><center><img src="./images/neon2.jpg" title="" alt="Playground For The Mind" WIDTH="100%"> </center></td>


and it works correctly in Mozilla, Galeon, and Internet Explorer for Macintosh 5.1. Unfortunately, customers with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Netscape 4 report that it does not scale to their browser window width and instead they get a horizontal scroll.


Is there no way to make this work for all browsers? I know I could do it with javascript but that seems a bit overkill to me . . .





EDITED: Topic moved to a more appropriate forum. Tips and Tricks is for when you have a Tip or Trick to share rather than a question on how to do something. Thanks, Linda


Yikes! Just a suggestion but I think that would be a little too big. But if you wanted to do it properly set it as the header table background image and use css to make it stretch.


I seems to look fine on IE6.0 and Netscape7.

...and the tip is?
My tip would be to get access to the world's most popular browser running on the world's most popular operating system if you are going to design a web site or online store. That would be IE on Windows.


P.S. - I don't mean to imply that popular == best.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:


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