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Encryption. How can I hide path address in browser window.


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I want to hide the path which apperars at the bottom of the browser window when a page is opening (also appears in top address panel too) .


OK maybe not hide it completely, but at least turn much of it into random 'numbers and letters' so as not to reveal the page name which is being opened. For example you can see this when searching pages at sourceforge. Obviously major search engines do it too. Each link page has its paths shown as random 'numbers and letters'.


Is there any easy way to do this in php . I would like to to do this on specific php pages or on the site as a whole.





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i have this one on my TODO list if someone else has more time then i have at the moment (i am in the middle of moving to my just bought house this week) feel free to start on this and please make it a CONTRIBUTION so that everyone else has benefits from it ;)


I have started it on my dev box, but still a whole lot to do ofcourse, and i will not continue with it this month thats for sure...


So if you are an experienced php coder then THIS is a project that possibly can be add to the osC core someday :)


But thats my opinion ofcourse, the final word is with Harald ofcourse 8)



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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i have this one on my TODO list if someone else has more time then i have at the moment (i am in the middle of moving to my just bought house this week) feel free to start on this and please make it a CONTRIBUTION so that everyone else has benefits from it ;)


I have started it on my dev box, but still a whole lot to do ofcourse, and i will not continue with it this month thats for sure...


So if you are an experienced php coder then THIS is a project that possibly can be add to the osC core someday :)


But thats my opinion ofcourse, the final word is with Harald ofcourse 8)


Leave it to me - Im starting work now!!!



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