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error at check out


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I was doing a test for a second time through and I received this error when I clicked the confirm order. any suggenstions as to what could be wrong?



1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 1


insert into orders_products_attributes (orders_id, orders_products_id, products_options, products_options_values, options_values_price, price_prefix) values ('1015', '16', 'color', 'beige/navy', '0.0000', '+')

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first of all take that signature image away !!!

use text or so...




check if you have order # 1015 already, which is the case ;)


I dunno what you did but it's not good



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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I dont know why you feel the need to tell me that I need to get rid of my signature image. I consider that a bit harassing.


Now before I posted this reply I checked the rules on posting and image posting. I have posted them for you to read again on your own.


This forum is suppose to be for help not harassment. What's the matter druide, is my banner that gives a little praise to the creator so convicting to you that you have to try and get me to hide my faith? ha ha- I dont think so. No rules against that... I live in America. God's love is so much better than life that I will Glorify Him with my lips..... and my banner... :D so...please read the rules, druide. I will abide by the rules druide, if their is a rule that prohibits me from having a signature I will delete it, but untill then, I suggest that you stick to the rules of not harassing those that are trying to get a little help in peace and unity of the board. If you don't have a solution to the problem that someone posts, leave it to someone who has the knowledge to help. don't waist my time. In all sincerity - ~zipporah


:arrow: faq/rules::

:arrow: Can I post Images?

Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail or yahoo mailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).



:arrow: How do I add a signature to my post?

To add a signature to a post you must first create one, this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile (you can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form)


by the way I fixed the problem .

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  • 1 month later...

I think I figured it out.


I found that after some testing and more testing, I was getting the orders sometimes and not allways, so I narrowed it down.


I changed the primary key in the table that was getting the error to auto increment...


I'll post again if I get it again,, but i think I found the solution. I am getting the emails now and it is not duplicating it in admin.


Praise GOD! and Praise God again! lol

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