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The e-commerce.

price based on quantity


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I really need your help here.

I want to make it so that if they choose quantity from 0-500, they pay .20cents and if they choose from 501-1000 they pay some amount of money. I'm not looking for a percentage based discount or a flat discount but a variant discount... Please


Will something like this be on its way soon? I really need this.



I'm desperate.



Thank you so much. This is exactly what i had in mind. Works great.

My only concern is that it is very limited (only 4).

- Can the final realase allow for more ?


- will the documentation explain the terminology:

( i.e.:List Price, Products Price, Mail-in Rebate ... i hope soo)


- Where do i go to download the module ?


ONce again, thank you for your help.


Note: Most ppl sell the oscommerce shopping cart online. and iff you want to make a few extra bucks, check this site out. people put of projects, and programmers bid on the projets. Agains thanks. (i'm soooo happy right now. :D ) good nigt. I have school 2morrow. bye.




I am debating on the more than 4 discount level I have in there.


Not sure how I want to handle going more than the 4 levels.


I am working on another issue that might change the limited discount levels ... just have to see how it comes out. :D


The way you have it now will make it hard to add more then 4 breaks...


One way of doing it different would be to allow the program to import a text file. And have the option of importing the values as percentage or straight values. This text file can be delimeted by a tab. So that this way every break can be specified on a txt file, and by doing it this way, you can allow for an infinite number of breaks....


example of text file.


0-500 .30

501-1000 .28

1001-5000 .24


I hope you plan on doing this. This is very beneficial for those that want to deal with wholesale. So please consider this as another module or something added to the current one.





I came up with a way last night while trying to work out an attributes pricing issue.


I am just not sure which way I want to go with it to make it easy on the Shop Owner.


But I did come up with an infinit number of discounts method. I just have to see how efficient and practicle it would be on products.

I came up with a way last night while trying to work out an attributes pricing issue.


What do you have in mind.

and when if at all can we expect it to be released?


I am trying to get it out. Sorry for the delays, but my regular clients have to come first ... then silly things like the dentist ... and a little sleep.


But I am working as fast as I can ...


Just got the new keyboard installed on my notebook ... 2nd in 9 months ... I seem to burn them out coding ... 8)

  • 10 months later...


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