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Search Engine Safe Urls Help!


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Howdy all, I recently switched servers for a site runing OSC with the serach engine safe urls option set to on. It was working perfectly on the old server, but now, with the new server, and a new version of php, its not working at all. Heres the new setup:


PHP 4.3.1 (Zend: 1.3.0)

MySQL 4.0.11a-gamma

Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.44 (Mandrake Linux/11mdk) mod_perl/1.99_08 Perl/v5.8.0 mod_ssl/2.0.44 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP/4.3.1


Any help would be appreciated, the urls do get written out right, but it seems apache doesn't know what to do with them, which would lead me to believe that theres some missing mod_rewrite rules, or something along that line...




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