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The e-commerce.

editing pages


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OK guys and gals I'm just a new guy to this php and oscommerce so go easy on me!!

I have been using a html editor and all the projects are created inside the program with no problem and uploaded ftp.I can open default.php with my editor but is not the same as in the browser.

I downloaded easy php put on computer and installed oscommerce on the puter. Have no problem changing from the admin console.I need to customize and change some pages but can't seem to edit within oscommerce.

What do I need to do to edit and save pages? Do I have to create os commerce as a project within a php editor?

If so can I just transfer or copy the files to the editor?

Need some help on getting started please..hey and make it easy.I have done my reading and a little hazy.





I'm sorry, I am confused. Exactly what are you wanting to do?


Chet, I think I understand what you are asking. In HTML your file on your computer and view source in IE look the same. In PHP, the web server preprocesses the PHP file on the fly to create an HTML file from the data in the database. Therefore your php file and view source will not match, but are related to each other.


It's actually very nice, common code can be put in one place using include or require. And things can change dynamically. All the sections that start with <?php and end with ?> preprocessed by the web server and replaced with HTML code.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:


Basic stuff...background color...text...modify columns..change the look


Orchard..how do I put or change code in my page ?Do I need an editor?And how would I associate the editor with the os commerce project so it would save properly unless the project was in the editor program

Could I edid a page by bringing it outside of OSC...edit...save...export back to OSC ?

All the help files explain how to add and change things but there is no way from inside OSC.

What do I need to do to edit and save pages? Do I have to create os commerce as a project within a php editor?

If so can I just transfer or copy the files to the editor?

You can use any text editor to do your edits. Notepad and wordpad are fine, but something that shows the line numbers can be helpful when debugging. It also helps to have something that can search all the files in all the subdirectories for text that you are looking for.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:


OK...had to get another editor to show page. I looked at the help files again and I was using the wrong page to make changes...that's why I couldn't see waht I was looking for.

Don't get me wrong I'm still confused!

When I use my html editor you create a project and the index page is the root of everythig in the ptoject...course you all new that :lol: .You have to make changes in the project to effect the index.So I was assuming that php was the same.


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