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[Contribution] Credit Class/Gift voucher/Discount Coupon v5


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You forgot to add the require for add_application_top.php to application_top.php (see install docs)


Theis contains defines for table/filenames

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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You forgot to add the require for add_application_top.php to application_top.php (see install docs)


Theis contains defines for table/filenames


Now that is one I definitely forgot to say check ... helps to include the definition as well as have it sitting there waiting to be loaded ... :D

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There isn't an upgrade doc from 4.2 to 5.2 is there? I just installed 4.2 a week or so ago.. and now 5.2 is out and I .. really don't want ot have to diff all the files to figure out the changes.. I've modified the OSCommerce stuff myself, and have a few mods installed..


So.. I du nno if there is any quick Diff documents out there .. if not, I'll use my compare software to cpmare files..



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Okya new problem


I got the 5.2 classes installed, but It doesn't include the product Attribute prices in the calculation for "min amount"


Is this by design, or am I just missing something here.. :|


Let me know.


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Being that you didn't mention it.. I will.. and this could very well be your answer here.. Did you delete the old database tables.. By dropping them and uploading the new SQL file commands for the new tables regarding the 5.2 newest edition of the Gift Voucher? As Ian had mentioned, the database structure for this new Voucher system has totally changed.. So that might explain why you're not seeing the things you want to see..


Hope I was helpful..



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There is a bug in the tax recalulate(standard) mode. However even once I've fixed (actually already fixed just need to upload) I'm not sure if this means it will work with Canadian Tax.


What would be great is if you

a) Posted an example of how the canadian tax calculations would work.

B) had an online installation that I could run thru checkout.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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David, or is it Norman, or is it Mother :)


I haven't checked this yet. Off the top of my head the calculation was supposed to include attribute price. However I rewrote so much code, that I would have to work thru it again to double check.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Makes perfect sense :) .


Yes they are full installs, so no need to install one after the other.

5.02 Still has some minor bugs. mainly to do with Tax recalculation.


I'm, working on fixes now

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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So, if I don't use the recalculate tax in my store.. I really don't have to worry about this problem? Just wanted to know if the fix is a must.. either way.. But i know me.. I'll of course fix it when you update.. lol Thanks Ian



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The way the Canadian tax is calculated is:


Anyone living in my province (Ontario) is charged 8% PST (provincial sales tax) and 7% GST (Good & Services tax)


All other provinces are charged only 7% GST


Outside of Canada - No Tax


I'm using the Canadian Tax Display 1.4 contribution


You can see my store online at www.kindredcreations.com


Thank you!!!! :)

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I understand the theory behind the Tax system in Canada, what I'm after is more how a Gift Voucher effects the Tax. We are lucky here in the UK because it doesn't (effect the tax that is).


Do you have to re-assess the tax after deducting the Gift Voucher and does this re-assessment affect both tax rates(where applicable).

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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I'm not sure if I undrstand what you are asking, but the actual calculation of the tax is not affected at all. What happens is if a customer buys a gift voucher they are charged the tax, however that tax amount is never added to their account. So on $50 voucher, for example, a person in Ontario would be charged $57.50, but the voucher amount only shows $50.


This is what I currently have the setting at (maybe I'm missing the boat here on how this should be set up!):


Include Tax



Re-calculate Tax



Credit including Tax


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When you create the Gift Voucher product, you must assing a tax rate(class) to it, like nay other taxed product.


So in your example the price set for the Gift Voucher would be $50, the tax assigned to it will calculate as a total price in check out as $57.50


First wrong setting.


Credit including tax should be false. What this setting means is if the GV product includes tax credit the customer with full cost including tax e.g. $57.50. In your case you only want them to get $50 so it needs to be false.


Second wrong setting.


Recalculate tax should be false. This setting means recalculate tax at checkout on the goods value - redeemed gift voucher amount. From what you are sying you don't want this.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Hey Ian, my download is missing the button_report.gif in admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons.


Any chance you could eMail it to me at [email protected]?

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I haven't created one yet. :(


I'm still on a learning curve with GIMP. I do have access to photoshop at work so I'll knock something up tommorrow :)

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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i'm new to using oscommerce, but i just installed ms1, the credit class/gift voucher 5.02 addon, and paypal ipn, and have found that after installing the credit class addon, it skips my shipping options entirely..

<< threeOHsix(dot)org

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Hi Ian,

I have tested V5.2 and found the following:

1. Although discount amount is shown during checkout, but discount was not reflected in the Admin/customer/orders section.


2. The voucher code works twice (I set it to unlimited uses) and after that it does not work anymore. I check the mySQL and found only 2 orders were recorded. All subsequent orders were missing from coupon_redeem_track table although its shown in the Admin/customers/order page.



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1. Although discount amount is shown during checkout, but discount was not reflected in the Admin/customer/orders section.


Which payment method, are you using? My test site shows discount correctly in admin.!!


2. The voucher code works twice (I set it to unlimited uses) and after that it does not work anymore. I check the mySQL and found only 2 orders were recorded. All subsequent orders were missing from coupon_redeem_track table although its shown in the Admin/customers/order page.


Again I on test site I can redeem Coupon many times and it shows in report. Do you get an error when you try to redeem coupon. Has the coupon expire date been set. Has the coupon any product/category restrictions

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Dear Ian,


I am using COD.

So far I have only got the coupon to work once after about 12 purchase.


Maybe because I am testing it on local PC.


I will try it on the server and let you know the findings.



Thanks for your response.

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