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Small Thumbnails in Catalog Product list?


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I have used this contribution for small thumbnails in the admin section.





I would like to the same thing, but add little thumbnail images to the product listing table in the categories within catalog.


For example /catalog/default.php/cPath/3_10



I've searched a lot for a solution, but can find one.


Much appreciated if anyone can help.



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Not sure if I read you right but you can 'turn on' product images in your category listing by going to /catalog/admin/configuration/product listing/Display Product Image - then giving it a number where you want it to appear in the lidt. e.g. 1 = image first, 2 = image second, and so on.



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Thanks for that.


I'm stuck trying to:


1. Make the thumbnail images smaller in the product list.


2. Remove all the catagory thumbnails (the ones that show top left 70x40).


3. Reduce the size of the catagory thumbnail images. The default ones are 100x57 pix.



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These can be fixed in the admin in the Configuration->Images section.

1. Make the thumbnail images smaller in the product list.
Edit the "Small Image" values.


2. Remove all the catagory thumbnails (the ones that show top left 70x40).
Set "Image Required" = false. If you already have images defined you can NULL them out using phpMyAdmin.


3. Reduce the size of the catagory thumbnail images. The default ones are 100x57 pix.
Edit the "Subcategory Image" values.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:

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Set "Image Required" = false. If you already have images defined you can NULL them out using phpMyAdmin.

If you can't use phpMyAdmin, then do as Orchard said Set "Image Required" = false, then delete from the /catalog/images folder all images that start with table_background_*


Alternatively, remove the following line in all .php files in the /catalog directory:-


<td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_ (this will change).gif', HEADING_TITLE, HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?></td>





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I've deleted the whole line of code, as I think the page will load quicker if it is not looking for an image that isn't available.


I've deleted the line from the contact page etc.


However, I can't find the line of code to delete the image that shows on the top right of the category that contains sub-categories.


or in other words the 'category_hardware.gif' on the top right of this page.





Where do I find the line of code for that?


Thanks for your help guys!

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Hi Tony,


The line to delete is different in the default.php. Thanks for pointing me onto the right page.


I've put the line here as someone else might need to know in future.


The line to delete is:


<td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $category['categories_image'], $category['categories_name'], HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?></td>



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