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Zones really stressing me out!


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Hi, I want to use more than one zone!


So in zones.php i changed the

 $this->num_zones = 0;


to the following

 $this->num_zones = 4;


When i goto my admin section, there are 3 extra boxes for each zone, but thats all there is, there is no text telling me what to put in each box, and when i put in data as i thought it should be. Nothing showed up!!


I obviously have to change something else but this isnt mentioned anywhere, why isnt this working, ive been trying to fix this for ages :(

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I've struggled hard with that one myself... the thing is, after you change the number of zones, you must go to the Admin and disable the module, then enable it again. That should do it!




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I thought you were barking mad suggesting that!! :lol:


Anyway i did it and voila it works :?


Ive been working on this for ages trying to get it to work!!


Just out of curiosity WHY does that work?

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I'm glad it worked! No idea why it does, though. After the 12th or 13th time I read the docs, I figured it out... the part that said


"Notify: If you modify the file, you will have to disable then re-enable it for the changes to be effective"


was a a big hint ;) Felt very stupid, actually :)

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